Privacy Quest update: More ways to get QUEST

Hey Elena, I created the master key and now my assets for PRV, Quest and BTC Lotto are all 0.

Do I have to wait or is something wrong?

My current private keys are the same as previously.

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Are your funds in your old ‘masterless’ address? Or both master and masterless keychains show 0 assets.


hey @meego! thanks for reporting a problem, we will check it :blush:

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Hey everyone! We’ve updated the topic to reflect that we’re pausing part of the QUEST rewards program to create a better version. See the top of this topic for details. Thanks!


I am disappointed to find this announcement here AFTER making a series of trades today and wondering why the QUEST credit was taking so long. Why wasn’t this announcement made to display in the app?


Is there a plan to increase the chances of getting a LOTTO ticket? I have spun dozens of times and only won 2 lotto tickets. With the amount of available QUEST tokens and the current payout rate, we will never reach the threshold of LOTTO tickets required to start the giveaway.

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Hey @GringoLoco_M,

We are not planning to change the wheel probability, but we will add more ways to get QUEST, so there will be more QUEST tokens available.


@elena What about reducing or eliminating the .07 PRV fee. With the rising value of PRV it’s getting more expensive to spin the wheel, which will probably deter first time users. Looks like spins have slowed to crawl.


Hey @JG20
Yeah, we were thinking about it. However, not only PRV price is growing. Price of BTC and some other prizes are going up as well.

Maybe we will make the first spins free for new users, at least it will be easier for them to start playing quest.


Hello :grin:

I know the Quest thing is still on pause but I was thinking that in case the Quest gets revived by some new stuff and also keep the clues and chest thing, the ones who find the clues or whatever should get the quests tokes instantly and not have to wait till hundreds of people also find it :thinking:.

Anyways it’s just a small idea I hope the Quest hunt can come back soon I used to have lots of fun :yum:.


Hey @Estem, thanks for your input and the idea! :black_heart:
Yep, we definitely need to make the process of receiving QUEST tokens easier.


So it was paused because some people found the notifications of the rewards annoying?

We received feedback from some community members that frequent QUEST drops can be distracting especially when you are waiting for important notification. We hear you.

But there will be something better in its place?

So, we’re pausing the feature that rewards you with QUEST every time you trade, shield, and provide liquidity. We’ll dream up something even better, and resume once we’ve nailed it.

Any estimate on when you’ll ‘nail it’ or can we all just admit this was a pretty bad fail and kill the quest already?

It continues to be and embarrasament and damages the credibility of the entire project/team.

Is there any news on new developments with the Quest? I know users are *continuing to earn quest tokens through actions in the app, but as the price of PRV continues to soar (and is about double the price when the quest started) it’s becoming more and more expensive to redeem those tokens, especially when there have only been a few thousand lotto distributed and there’s no end in sight for when that Bitcoin will be won. A lot of people have devoted a lot of time and PRV to the Quest and don’t want to be left hanging. What’s the plan?

*EDIT: I had forgotten that the Quest distribution for in-app transfers was stopped as well.


I thought the quest rewards in app had been temporarily put on hold. I have not been receiving rewards.


You are correct :grin:


I’m starting to hope the plan is to kill it and make up some new rules to disburse the prize and never do a contest/promotion ever again. That said, there appears to be no plans for the foreseeable future.

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Same. I’d love to hear some kind of update about this. I know they don’t want to rush anything out, but it’s been a while since the Quest tasks stopped being posted, and even giving some kind of timeline would be great.

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Hey guys! @Trevuchet @detved @adrian :slight_smile:

Sorry for keeping you waiting for the Quest improvements. At the moment, we are focusing on the launching web 3.0 and want to finish it first.

Closer to the end of March, we will rethink the game flow and relaunch the Quest. Thanks for all your feedback and ideas on how to improve the game process; we will take them into account. :hugs:

For now, users still can earn QUEST tokens on the forum. Also, we will add some new chests with a low number of required people to open them.

Thanks for your patience. :black_heart:


Brilliant, thank you. I assume the current BTC lotto tokens will still be valid?


Yes, sure :slight_smile:

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