Weekly Privacy Newsletter - 12.29.20


Welcome to your last weekly update (this year).

It’s been a spectacular year, to say the least. You and thousands of others have joined the movement to protect privacy with unmatched vigor.

Over $40 million in crypto has been shielded, almost as much has been traded, $27 million in PRV is circulating, and the world is recognizing the need for privacy.

It’s been great working with you.

Now, here’s your weekly update, so you can get back to your holiday (with even more reason to celebrate):

Member updates

Development updates

We.incognito.org is where the action is. By being here, you can get fast updates, or take newsworthy action yourself.

Here’s to you in 2021.


Thank you! I am so grateful for the mention! Let’s keep this project going strong!


Just receive your email, very detail and full of information, thanks