Join the Privacy Quest, earn prizes (up to 1 BTC)

Forgive me yall but how exactly do I spin the wheel?? Whenever I click on the wheel this screen shows up and basically I can’t do anything anymore. I can’t click anything and like copy an address or anything. Am I doing something wrong??! I have the QUEST tokens and the required amount of PRV so I’m hella confused :frowning_face:


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Is that the full screenshot?

There should be a button on the bottom that says “Confirm Send”.

Ahhh noooo it seems as if I cannot scroll down to see it :frowning:
Yeah even trying to hit the back button on my blackberry doesnt do anything and I basically just have to restart the app.

Interesting, seems like a device-specific situation. I’ll DM you with support and we can get this resolved!

Hey, the deadline for both BTC lottery and other prizes is when all 21k of BTC lotto tickets are fully distributed :smiley: So the more people joining in spinning the wheel, the sooner the deadline is!

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I had the same issue had to change my screen to smallest scale to see the button.

Hey @kichoman, this’s about the resolution glitch which keep some users from not being able to make the request to spin the wheel. Our devs are already aware of it and working on fixing it now. It’s estimated to be resolved in our next release of the app this week. :blush:

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Is the quest for “3 approaches to deliver privacy…” full? My app shows 77/200, but when I scan the QR code, it says I’m too late.

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The same question, maybe we found wrong one

Hey @Thriftinkid @Kristo, I just scanned that code and it worked correctly on my end. Could you guys please exit the app, open it again and try scanning the code to see if it works for you?

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Hey @Ducky. I restarted the app and tried it on my device. It prompted the capatcha again. But, it said I already found the clue. However, the chest isn’t lit up. So I tried my backup device, and it says I’m too late. Its empty lol. Neither one are correct lol.


I have the same issue, it said I’ve already found the clue

I am known for being direct. Too direct for some.

I will ask the discourse admin to remove my moderator shield so I can speak my mind freely.

That doesn’t change the fact that, new people are the ones who complain about how things are organized most, while our regular gang sees it as a fun party to celebrate our first anniversary. Typical, don’t you think?


Ya been here a while, I preordered a node before they were available And I felt the fee announcement after they had already quests and people spent time looking for them was a little unfair.

But they are making it right and I am impressed they are doing so.


till stuck with Privacy for Ethereum

There is a difference between being direct and being rude and dismissive of valid concerns. Your explanation smacks of the ‘If you can’t handle me at my worst…’ trope.

In any event, more level heads than you or I have weighed in and made things right. Hopefully, the intended purpose of the quest can still be achieved!

You are funny. Little do you know.
Good luck with the wheel.

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Hey everyone, hope you’re enjoying the Quest! There are a few updates:

  1. We’ve removed the 0.01 PRV prize from the wheel, and lowered the spin fee to 0.07 PRV. This way, you don’t have to endure so many transactions (and potentially need to consolidate UTXOs). Plus, when you win a prize, you’ll have spent 0.01 PRV less to do so!

  2. You can now spin the wheel 20x with one transaction.

  3. The screen resolution bug has been resolved, so if the “confirm send” screen was unusable for you, you should now be able to spin the wheel!


THE BTC lotto, is there gonna be a date for it to be drawn or is it strictly when enough tickets are gonna be sold? Currently we are at almost 1200 in 10 days, but a lot were gained on the day the spin was opened due to all the quests being open prior.

Currently it’s slowing down looks to be at a rate of around 100 tickets a day or so, given that it could take around 200 total days give or take before the amount is reached to draw.

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After spinning the wheel I received a BTC Lotto ticket and now it shows as 0.01 PRV.

Why did this happen? @Support

Luckily I took a screenshot when the history screen showed processing 1 BTC Lotto.