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Hey @Waseem_Kolia!

Could you please DM me your Incognito address and more details about your case? The history screenshots will help a lot.

I’ll send your message to dev team, so we can solve your problem as soon as possible :blush:


Loving the game, but could these unopened chests be sorted to the top of the map? They seem to shuffle around each time I open the quest tab and it gets really difficult to keep track of.


Hey @JSON-Dubs, I’m happy that you are enjoying the guest :hugs:

Sure, we will reorder the chests to make it more comfortable for users! We’ll fix it ASAP.


I’ve noticed an issue with the quest prize wheel recently, and I’m wondering if anyone else has experienced the same thing. When I try to spin the transaction loads to about 50%, but then never gets above that number and completes the transaction. I first noticed this when I tried to do 20 spins at a time (but I could still do 1 spin or 5 spins at a time), but now I can’t do any number of spins without this problem. My balance in my pStake keychain is at least 4.5 PRV and over 20 Quest, so I should be able to do 20 spins at once, right?

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Hey @Trevuchet

Yes, it is more than enough to spin :slight_smile:

Thanks for reporting the problem, we are working on it now. As a temporary solution, could you please try to consolidate your UTXO, it should help. Here is the detailed instruction for you > How to consolidate UTXOs


Thanks- I did this and tried again. It was still slow to complete the spin transaction (doing the transaction for 20 spins probably took 3-4 minutes), but it eventually worked in the end.