Coins Conversion and Big Changes in Privacy V2

We have sent some PRV v2 to you. This is the txHash: 65b16daf3c97a77822b3275342b8d0e181166006adf7f02d957ea34414d9188c.

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Thank you very much, at the same time I project side can look at my proposal, although he may not be very accurate is a community-built product, we are not responsible for this. However, we are building a faucet service and it’s going to be released soon today. We’ll notify the community once it’s done.

PRV is not a ERC20, nor BEP20 token. Therefore, building this bridge is not an easy task. However, you can totally trade BNB to PRV inside the Incognito network.

Current PRV gas to create transactions is very low. However, gas is still needed to make sure the network is not DDoS-ed.

You can totally run a node by staking 1750 PRVs.


Great point! Users are definitely going to need a way to acquire initial PRV. They are not going to be able to shield new funds and do a single pdex trade even to buy PRV, send it to anyone else on the incognito network, or definitely not unshield it. All new users will enter a black hole unable to use the app.

While I understand the simplicity of PRV as the native asset, each new wallet needs to get auto deposited with some small amount of PRV, or a faucet built into the app. Very important implicantion that @Frank pointed out. Thanks for this contribution!!


Hi @marko, @Frank check out the new faucet service here.


There’s a major glitch in the Convert Coins screen. The Privacy coins are listed first. If you click the Privacy (PRV) line before pressing the Go to convert screen button, all of your PRV will get converted to V2 immediately without first asking for your confirmation. Then, when you press the Go to convert screen button, the process will fail because it says you don’t have enough PRV. I had plenty of PRV, but they were all converted to V2 before the other coins were converted. The GetPRV faucet is currently not working for either V1 or V2 addresses. Also, the Faucet button doesn’t work on the convert screen. It cannot load up a browser. It displays an error with a long URL for a couple seconds before I’m able to read it. I determined that the link points to a new faucet, which only works for V2 addresses. The only way I was able to get my coins to convert was to restart the convert coins process—and this time it managed to use the V2 Privacy coins.

This problem should have never happened in the first place because I had plenty of PRV coins. This glitch needs to be fixed because other users are going to run into the same problem.

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Hey @daniel,

getbalanceprivacycustomtoken returns only the balance of the given token. However, I want to get balances of all tokens. get"list"privacycustomtokenbalance does not work for v2 (v1 is OK). It returns with timeout. Is there any equivalent of it for v2?

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Hi @abduraman,

Checking balances takes longer time for privacy v2 than that of privacy v2, due to the enhancement of privacy (and also confidential assets). Plus, there are currently more than 1000 tokens on the mainnet.

No, both versions use the same RPC.

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Hi @guest87384,

Actually, to convert pTokens, you need PRV V2 to cover the transaction fee. So, if all PRV are converted to V2, I think you can convert pTokens as normal.

Yes, you are right. When you click on “Faucet” button, your payment address V2 will pass to a browser. The URL will be like this:

Finally, I think you converted all PRV and pToken successfully, right? If not, please contact @support, we will help.

Thanks :slight_smile:

Hi, I read that the production of pNode has been stopped. Another way to participate in the network? Is there a replacement?

This thread is probably not the best area to ask about this. However, there is still the option to run a vNode. It operates the same way as a pNode just without the community funded staking. Therefore, you would have to provide your own stake (1750prv).

So, do we need to do the conversion also if we are currently providing prv/have prv sitting on our nodes?


Hi @Nick_Riedel,

No you don’t.

  • For PRV in Provide, next time you withdraw, v2 coins will be sent to you.

  • For staked PRV, you can convert them next time you unstake.

Does this mean that Privacy v1 transactions “never” will be disabled in contrast to written earlier? For example, I won’t unstake my nodes for at least 3-4 years. Some may not unstake even for many years. Could you clarify the issue? @daniel

Hi @abduraman,

This is not an issue. Only the minting coins (like in case of un-staking) will be allowed to be in v1. And remember that v1 coins will be minted in case you staked a node in Privacy v1. If you stake a node in Privacy v2, and then you unstake, v2 coins will be returned.

Moreover, these v1 coins can only be used to convert (not transfer, or unshield) to v2 coins

I see. So after v1 is disabled, only conversion transactions will be kept enabled. Right?

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Yes, only conversion and v2 txs will be allowed (plus minting v1 for the above-mentioned case)


Hey @daniel,

Did you do any improvement here last week? Previously I had to submit my OTA key to your fullnodes and my local fullnode. However, when I submitted another account today, I got this message from my local fullnode without submitting OTA key.

"-13001: OTAKey XXX has been submitted and status = 2\nFull node cache error"

Does this mean that submitkey RPC is broadcasted to other fullnodes?



This error message indicates that your key has been submitted in the regular mode, and needs not be submitted again.

No, submitkey does not broadcast any keys to other full-nodes.


Please refrain from double posting.

If it’s a failed transaction and there is not a button to retry the transaction then all you can do is wait until support manually looks into the transaction.

Rest assured you will get the coins something just went wrong and needs looked into. I have tagged support on your other post and will update with this information.

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