Weekly Privacy Newsletter 12/15/20

Protecting privacy is an enormous mission.

Together, we’re working toward a goal that will never be finished. There will always be new ways to apply privacy, new technologies to build, and new threats to defend against.

But that doesn’t mean progress comes slowly.

Every day here at we.incognito.org, you and other members with us are creating helpful products, discussing big ideas, finding ways to improve Incognito, and spreading the word about privacy. Thanks for being a part of this mission.

To make sure you haven’t missed anything in all the bustle, here’s your weekly update:

Member updates

Developer updates

Whatever your skills, privacy needs you. If you’re a builder, build. If you’re an innovator, innovate. If you believe in privacy, spread the word.

When we all play to our strengths, we can make privacy the standard.

Have a purposeful week,


Great summary, thanks @aaron :+1: