Unstacking early help?

I’m trying to get my stuff out from provide in 12 month Lock is their a way?

The lock will be removed soon, I think they said somewhere between now and 48 hours. There will most likely be an announcement for it.


@Jamie is correct. Any locked PRV in Provide will be unlocked within the next 48 hours.

@Jared, you said it “will be unlocked” within 48 hours of your comment. That has clearly not happened even though double the time has passed. How long until the unlock happens?

Hello @street1336,

My understanding is that the locked PRV provisions have been unlocked and are processing through the queue. I’ll reach out to the app team again to get a clarification on this.

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Provide tab doesn’t even load for me at this moment, but yes that was my understanding of the situation as well.
Right now I am more worried about my LTC withdrawal not showing up as deposit on Kucoin :fearful:

Just checking back in to see what the team is saying about why the PRV provisions are still locked. I’m less concerned about this than my other Provide funds still being in Pending withdrawal status, but it would still be nice to know why the PRV funds are locked.

You let us know that the PRV would be unlocked within 48 hours, but that was 7 days ago. You said you’d check with the team, but that was three days ago. It is still locked. Just providing another update as we wait for a response.

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(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)

Hello @street1336,

Regarding Locked PRV Provisions, I do not have a further update for these.

For non-PRV crypto, things like stuck unshields, please open a support ticket by messaging @Support with the TX information (screenshot is best).

(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)

My understanding is the app team is working on releasing the locked terms, however, the unshield TXs and tickets are first priority.

TXs are still going through, however, some of them are resulting in issues. Most likely due to the network being pummeled with TX requests.

My understanding is the app team is working on releasing the locked terms

That is your “understanding” but not what they’re directly saying? So the team is refusing to actually tell you anything about that? They’re just not responding about it after giving an unlock timeline promise that did not happen?

some of them are resulting in issues

I would say, based on my limited experience, that it is more than some. Most of my attempts have failed.

Are they going to extend the shutdown date to account for all of the Provide and unshield delays?

I have an LTC unshielding action going on since May 4th, with only [7] (of the 12 required) confirmations sofar. Kahnhj said all unshielding transactions will be processed before they shut down the system. :crossed_fingers:

It’s weird because it seems everyone’s transactions are getting stuck on 7 regardless of how long ago the transaction was initiated. Not a great sign. Hopefully you’re right. I’m just not encouraged by the lack of communication. We haven’t gotten any responses on why they’re stuck at 7 and what exactly they are doing to fix it. This doesn’t appear to me to just be a “heavy load on the system” problem.

They also said PRV would be unlocked “within 36 hours,” and that was quite a long time ago, so them saying they will get the unshielding fixed is not encouraging. We will see.

I also tried to unshield PRV, and it’s having a totally different problem. After several days, it isn’t even starting the Processing part. It’s still on Pending.

Some things are slow (remember everyone is in the same boat, trying to get this done asap - much more traffic & transactions), but I have withdrawn from provide everything aside from locked PRV, and I’ve been able to unshield nearly everything aside from one issue that I fully believe they are still working on.

I imagine the network is overloaded and the support staff & devs are overwhelmed. I have no ties to the project other than as a user, so I can guarantee nothing - but I believe they are working hard to make everyone as happy as possible.

Not saying you shouldn’t alert Support if you have an issue, just that maybe try to have patience in this trying times.

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