Sunsetting Incognito

Yes please see the previous messages.


Also, I see the Power tab also disabled. So for those who have activate vNodes, how do we unstake them?

we will have app update to enable Power tab

Best privacy proj : Conceal Network (ccx).
I cannot recommend Secret Network or Oxen. Both have downsides that I do not accept. Secret does support smart contracts, but its encryption uses Intel prop extensions (dep on Intel hw).

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My Provide error has been resolved without support. Working now & withdrawing.

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I’m out of the loop regarding other platforms.
What recent events are you talking about?
What did exactly make you decide to sunset the project?

By the way, it’s unfortunate. I wish luck to all of you.

Hi there
How long do withdrawals from “Provide” to “wallet” take?

Why not make it full decentralized and remove the team as the “handlers” of the network instead of “sunsetting it”.

This is super disappointing


The race to access the remaining liquidity in the system is on. I wouldn’t be surprised if you never saw a withdrawal from provide at this point.

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Why is the project being shutdown?
Also any other recommendations of privacy project where we can run nodes other than the popular ones?

F@ck… Okay. Prob most gone…

Someone mentioned Conceal Network. I just started looking into them. The Twitter account says created in June 2018.

EDIT: Nevermind, they are PoW not PoS.

I second this. Don’t know what it would take but my thoughts are that it would take too much effort on the current devs to implement a transition to fully decentralized. Not much is known how liquidity is provided, what services they are running, etc. In theory if folks keep running nodes the network will live on, but the devs could push a node update that could shut things down. I know there is a way to prevent nodes from auto updating, but I decided to unstake and liquidate my 16 nodes, so I didn’t look into it.


I believe we would also need highway nodes operating as well, I could be wrong though. I don’t recall if anyone ever got one running or not.

I’ve only been with you guys since May/2020, so about 4 years, But I have always enjoyed being a part of this project, especially that brief period when the token hit $3.50 :slight_smile:
Through everything, you guys were always quick to keep the train on it’s tracks, put out the fires, rebuild, and keep us growing. I wish the whole team the very best with their next endeavor and THANK YOU for the amazing support. Farewell Incognito.


And why even though $250M+ tokens shielded still shutting down the project?

I have purchased some PRV to be able to close the account, but my balance has not been updated in PRV.
You can help me?

It’s OK now

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Do you know of any that offer provide rewards or something like that?

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