[Solved] Force balance rescan

I did two trades on the pDEX. Both were successful according to the “Order history”.

However only the coins I traded to in the first trade appeared in my “Assets”.
A few hours passed, still nothing.

Ultimately I decided to go into “Settings” then “Clear balance cached”. My thinking was this would force the app to check the balances again.

After I cleared the balance cache and went into the “Assets” all my balances except for PRV are now 0.
I reloaded “Assets” a few times by pulling from the top of the screen, but to no avail.

When I click on the coin to see its tx history no txs are shown from today, but older ones do appear.

Should I clear history? Wait? Is there some way I can force the wallet to rescan against a node?

Yes, you should also try this definitely. Probably it will work.

I just did. Nothing’s changed

I have the same problem - I have cleared history, cleared balance cached, cleared the app data & storage in android settings, uninstalled & re-installed incognito. Assets in provide are fine, but outside of provide I’m showing less than 25% of what I should be (most are showing 0 coins, others are showing a fraction of what they should be)

hi @m-mp , we did some update and encountered some issues on our end. We have reversed back. Do you see your balance update yet?

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Yep, I can confirm things are back to normal.
A simple reload of the “Assets” page showed the correct balances. Did not require another clearing of balances or history.

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Confirmed - my wallet is OK now too. Thanks!

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Did you also do anything that could’ve stuck the Provide PRV Reward withdrawals?

Haven’t been able to get one past “pending” since. On the other hand it’s only been a day and sometimes those took a few days so could be a false alarm.

edit: nvm, all good now

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