(Outdated post) Network Explorer

Feature suggestion - Adding a Coin Detail page for non-custom tokens

Custom tokens on Incscan have a great feature when tapping/clicking on the token name on the listing of custom tokens page:



This great table of info is displayed.

Could a similar page be created for non-custom tokens (aka Shielded Coins) on Incscan?

Currently when tapping/clicking on a pToken from the similar Shielded Coin list –


– a nice set of tabbed charts and list of transactions is displayed.


Could an About tab be added to access a similar page for Shielded Coins?

Total supply could be replaced with the Coin in Network and Coins in pDEX stats currently displayed for just the Coin of the Month.

And … the absolute best feature of the current Coin Detail page is this:

This a great way to quickly see all the markets for a custom token, regardless of whether the coin is the base or the quote in the pair. However for non-custom coins (Shielded Coins) there is no similar listing of all markets. This can be quite frustrating looking for a quote market for a coin, as they are listed alphabetically by the base in the drop down chooser on the Markets page.


Hi @Mike_Wagner,

Thanks for this proposal.

Let me know if this new page is what you had in mind :slight_smile:


That’s amazing! Yes, just what I was envisioning!


Great idea @Auditpress!

Count down added.


hope you dont mind i drop all my genius ideas of what you could do to your project… but welp…
idea… a special volume/trx list value ranking system for pcoins only, as a seperated, isolated market metering system

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Feature Suggestion - Filtering



Would be very useful on both pDEX Trades and Custom Tokens Trades pages. Maybe even the Latest pDEX Trades on the Simple/Advanced Dashboard pages.

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But filtering by amount != filtering by USD value if it’s what you would like.

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I was thinking about filtering by token type in the Base and Quote columns, not value. Though your point makes sense.

Ha! Ok, you would like to filter by token.

An already filtered list by pair is already available on Market pages, but you would like to see for a specific token?

If yes, maybe the missing feature is on the token page, to show all trades related to a token.


would it be possible to get Coin Voting to work? ive voted like 10 times and nothing shows up

@Auditpress Coin Voting works well.

I don’t know what you do to vote but it’s definitively not the good way.

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its not working well. if it was my votes would appear

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I see voting transactions without any memo value. Do you add a memo value when you try to vote?

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oh you mean add “press” if i want to vote for press, i think i remember doing that once… i failed to put this is for the last 5 or ten votes if that is required, ill look into that

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It is required. Use the “Explorer” link in Incognito App, memo will be automatically filed if you click on a “vote” button.

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Occasionally I want to look for the most recent transaction involving a specific coin. The trade may have happened with the PRV pair or it may have happened with a Cross Pool Market. Without knowing the other coin used in the latest trade for pBAT – for example – it’s a bit of hunting game to find the right pair via the Markets pages.

The Trades tables above concatenate all markets into a single list. Thus being able to filter the view by token in either column would allow one to see all (recent) trades – regardless of market source without hunting through all the markets.

I find that markets listing useful when I want to research the tx history of a specific pair such as pBAT-pETH. But that’s not as useful when I want to find the most recent pBAT transaction, regardless of pairing.

This may only be useful to me so don’t expend resources on it, if it’s a big ask. I can always keep hunting through the Markets links. :upside_down_face:


@inccy thats really cool page! Now we can see on how and where tokens are utilized/allocated in the network :muscle:


Hey @inccry,

My newly verified brand-new coins do not exist on https://incscan.io/custom-tokens page. Is there any caching mechanism?

gETH: 4e9a559edd7755c0118922c68f3b05c02e5fe615bb8257a7cfeaea4b93a3ca11
gBTC: cf562e53c22c2e5031b5410ef398327a0457d6652667ac35d15d3194b3684ed8


Note: The app shows them correctly.

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Postgresql bigint max value: 9223372036854775807
The supply you defined       : 9223372036854776000


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This is the max supply which Incognito allows :slight_smile:

So? :joy:

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