NO TRADE ROUTE FOUND - the error persists

These still need votes from committee board to verify these pools. You have to wait.


This error of no trade route found, persists even on the SSD, we had a loss due to not having a way to trade (sell or buy).

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Pardon me, but you’ve already accepted, researched & verified all my coins MONTHS ago.

Please explain @alias @jared @support

PS. @jared you kept asking for me to PM you. I did a few times. You have NOT replied.

(Is this an admission to blocking trade routes?)

indent preformatted text by 4 spaces

Please explain what the controversy is surrounding my tokens?

@Alias @support @duc

Unfortunately, I do not understand these.

I asked you very specific questions and instead of answering them, you proceeded to insult me and babble on about nonsensical things. I am still waiting for a reply to my initial questions.

Of course not.

There is no controversy surrounding your tokens. All tokens created on the Incognito platform must adhere to our new criteria and pass our committee’s vote. Read more about that here: [Announcement] Formation of Coin Verification Committee

The committee will release our new criteria within the next 12 - 24 hours.

Again, My tokens were research & verified MONTHS ago by the Incognito team.
Never had an issue until Incognito started blocking trade routes, when I asked why the routes were being actively blocked
I was threatened & scapegoated by @Jared

Everyone can read them. They’re all available to everyone on these boards

Please explain what the controversy is surrounding my tokens?


Thank you,

@alias @duc @support @jared

(Jared you called me out to PM. I have done so but no reply.)

I have done no such things.

[aquote=“Intelespion, post:28, topic:15497”]

I have done no such things.

What’s this then @jared?

And this ???

Then how do you explain the above ??

@Jared If there’s some other way for me to read the
“Show me your website NOW” other than a threat to pull or attack my coin,
Please let me know.

Neither of those things is a threat.

I never demanded anything. You just quoted what I asked of you and I never said NOW. This is just getting silly and a lot of words are being put in my mouth.

Since I see you want to put PM conversations here then let’s go ahead and put the entire unedited conversation here for everyone to read.

Due to the image size, it will need to be clicked on to make it larger to read the entire message thread.

Your words about myself and Incognito as a whole are disrespectful and completely out of line. I won’t judge you though, others can read what you wrote to me and make up their own opinions.

Regardless, please follow this post to have your coins considered by the committee (Each coin should be a separate post):


@Jared. I always thought these were public. I didn’t know these were private until just now.

Really shows what kind of person you are.

Why do you waste everyone’s time & energy arguing with me?

This all started simply because I asked you to open up the trade routes & stop blaming me for all your problems.

Only a fool would go got such lengths, doxxing me, rather than just answering The question brought before him.

No one will ever want to use incognito knowing @jared the community manger will doxx you, Evade all issues, accuse you of opening accounts (his genius doesn’t account for friends or guests using my WiFi when visiting. Or employees and coworkers on the same IP)
Letting his insecurities & ego vomit grave stupidity upon everyone in the community.

Personally i don’t trust you with my money.
@alias @duc @Support

(Btw. I’ve kept my word as I always do)

****on a side note. Since I thought we were speaking publicly The Entire Time, why did you @jared tell other people that you PM’d me and refused to respond?

Hey @Intelespion,

Since you have many posts, I may be lost. However, let me summarize the procedure. First, you should post such a message ([Coin Verification] PRCY coin) in Community > Governance for your each coin for which you request verification. Then, the committee will make a decision for your each coin.

As @Jared has stated, these are the other topics you should read:
1- Custom Coin Verification Criteria
2- Custom Coin Template & Guidelines

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Please understand the software you use before you use it. I didn’t DOX you at all. You, yourself, put your real name on your profile. :man_facepalming:

2022-01-21 15_35_49-Profile - Intelespion - Incognito - Brave

I guess your “friends/coworkers/etc” also type in a weird way like yourself?


He also previously posted publicly a link on the forum to his own Twitter account.

Theres been no doxing of any kind.


Of course @abdurman.

I went through the verification process in Oct 21
I’m happy to post the thread.

Just a reminder

The grand idiocy Jared keeps escalating is all an obfuscation, keeping attention off the question that started it all.

“Why are the trade routes closedh?”

Lol. @Jared - you need to start looking forward a new job.

You’re intellectually handicapped. Your pattern recognition cognitive bias is textbook.

I happen to know who 1 of those users…
Instead of wasting more of my time typing,
I’ll wait until Those users login & reply

Again, I passed ALL requirements for verification. In OcT 2021



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This CHARADE is starting to be an embarrassment for the Incognito’s DEVs @Jared @khanhj @incognito:

.I would appreciate if you’d stop making offensive comments such as ‘Sir’ or ‘Madame’
The fact that I am A WOMAN has NOTHING to do with the CONSTANT FAILURE - aka the never ending ‘HUMAN ERROR’ - ‘ERRORs’ never fixed or addressed by the Incognito’s DEVs @Jared @khanhj
& whomever else is in charge of this interface

IT IS TIME to take these RECURRING ‘ERROR NO TRADE ROUTE FOUND’ & FIX IT once and for all.

As for the COINS I have in my WALLET - my WOMAN WALLET - a very different wallet than @Intelespion ‘s WALLET - Please have some respect:

although HE @Intelespion seems to have the SAME ISSUES than ME + a large number of other INCOGNITO customer/clients
who ALL are complaining (on multiple platforms, here, Twitter, or on other Social Media platforms .

ALL are Expressing their FRUSTRATION-
which will soon transform itself into ANGER - depending on each individual
PEOPLE are starting to loose their Patience & understanding as they are NOT able to TRADE/SWAP/ SELL/ BUY what they OWN.

I’m asking you ALL INCOGNITO ‘ s TEAM & DEVS;

How long until the shift from
“technical errors can happen” to “theft can happen”

As for the coins

so @khanhj it is a little bit OUT OF LINE to- all of the sudden - come up with new ‘requirements’ regarding VERIFIED COINS
As per your response above:
“These still need votes from committee board to verify these pools. You have to wait. “

meanwhile your colleague @Jared replies in regards to the same writes:

“I have relayed this to the devs and will let you know a fix soon. Sorry for this issue.”

@Jared is here Clearly admitting these ERROR MESSAGES are stopping any TRADE/ SWAP/ ‘NO TRADE ROUTE FOUND’ are ERRORS which need “a fix soon.”

Telling me or any other customer using the INCOGNITO interface who is sending his/her own personal money/ liquidity
BUT is UNABLE to ACCESS this liquidity/ investments.
Responding to these requests with: “You have to wait.”
Is now becoming more than WORRISOME- for myself & for all your Clients
on the other side of your interface - unable to ACCESS their MONEY.

let me ask you to REVERSE the situation;
I am INCOGNITO and you are my Client, your investments, your trades, your LPs, your REWARDS have all been FROZEN, liquidated, withdrawn by Me & my ‘DEVS’ and when you are complaining about it, I’m asking you to wait.

How would that make you feel @khanhj?
And then to add insult to injury - you have the nerve to tell me that YOU have been able to TRADE/Withdraw without any ISSUES. How dare you?
And since YOU have the nerve to make such Statement, I would appreciate some sort of PROOF backing up such insulting words. Because as I have written OVER and OVER again I CANNOT perform any of these tasks DUE to the PATHS being blocked - so yes Mr @khanhj I am glad you have access to your investments, this isn’t surprising because YOU are the OWN stopping MY TRADES & you have the keys to My house Whilst I am outside knocking!

How would you feel, if your PRV Coin was suddenly not tradable, no trade route found when you’d attempt to swap it with a more ‘STABLE’ Coin such as BNB or Gemini Coin so that you would be able to access YOUR investments/ YOUR liquidity - all the WORK/HOURS you have spent/devoted on my interface, and all you would be hearing as responses would be:
“I have relayed this to the devs and will let you know a fix soon. Sorry for this issue.”
Over & over again
Without ANY progress or changes.

@khanhj I can assure you, you would be very very UNHAPPY, you would not accept such Careless responses from anyone.
SO NOW PLEASE; ALL of you Stop this NONSENSE and FIX these ISSUES you have been made aware off by many customers - as of recent times, but as per the INCOGNITO Archives - these ISSUES ARE NOT NEW ISSUES, I have read customer complaining about these SAME exact ISSUES 12 months AGO - way before @Intelespion had anything to do with INCOGNITO.

As for #SHIVX it is a COIN/TOKEN completely unrelated to the
it is listed on INCOGNITO PRIVACY MARKETS LIST but it is ALSO un-tradable

Thank you

Unfortunately, you are incorrect. pDEX v2 allowed all coins (even unverified ones) to be traded. However, pDEX v3 (app, not chain) requires the verification for “all” custom coins. Many people (including me) had some verified coins. All of them are unverified now.