No PRV has tranferred

It’s been weeks!! Are you not reading? I mean wow! This community is truly trash!!

Yes, we are trash. I will have respect and not hurt you for obvious reasons. Take care and hope your issues with Incognito and your head are solved.
Kind regards


I don’t see the link about why dogs have hair, could you fix your post please?


Here, use my template, you are common with them.

My head is fine! But when you comment without reading the whole post you look like you might need the help!! Bye bye now!!

I’ll buy your pnode off you if you don’t want it


Bye bye. I hope forever…


We can see that you’ve read the Community Guidelines.


I’ve personally flagged several of your posts for the following reasons.

Always Be Civil

  • Be civil. Don’t post anything that a reasonable person would consider offensive, abusive, or hate speech.

Keep It Tidy

  • Don’t cross-post the same thing in multiple topics.

The second in particular, you explicitly confirm having done, in this very thread.

Your posts are most likely being removed because they do not conform to the community guidelines you’ve read and state you do not obey.

Keep it civil; keep it tidy.

The Incognito team will help you. But first you have to help yourself, by following the rules we all agree to participate by.


Now because you can’t seem to do this yourself, I will try to list your issues in a single post so they may be addressed.

  1. You are missing earned PRV

This issue does not appear to have been addressed. Is that correct?

  1. You are missing reward PRV for community badges

@Jamie has offered to help you with earned badge PRV missing from your account. You’ve declined her help.

  1. You are unstaking your pNode.

@Jamie succinctly explained that the unstaked PRV of a pool funded pNode (like yours) will not appear in your wallet.

You’ve then asked @Peter to help you with this same issue in a different post.

  1. You want a refund.

Are you still requesting a refund?


Don’t care anymore! I’m missing money!

Lol beat me to it!


sure. $1000

Didn’t think so!! Lame ducks!! The whole crew!!

Many people have ran into issues all were solved, you just have to be patient. I saw like 4 post where PRV went missing and they were all solved. You should understand Incognito is like 5 months in so things aren’t going to be perfect. Also staking other coins payouts are sometimes by the week or longer.

If you want to be paid our right away and not be patient. Return your pnode it has a 30 days return policy. Then stake with the pdex staking as it pays 57% and it pays you out every second no waiting.


hello, as per our conversation last night, you didn’t receive your rewards because you had entered an account key instead of a wallet address in your profile. i see you’ve changed it now. great!

i also mentioned that since you missed this thursday’s payout due to erroneous information on your part, you’d have to wait till next thursday. you replied saying thank you. no problem, glad i could help.

i would rather not post screenshots of our DMs in public, but do check your inbox again if you’re not sure what i’m talking about.


I got my badge prv yesterday


cool! glad to hear it. :slight_smile: