Listing Coingecko

Not sure if it was before like this as well, because I normally use to check everything PRV related. But seems like it even does not show the prices anymore for last 1 hour / 24 hours etc. Would be great if we could make our listing looking more „professional“ aka showing all data :slight_smile: I know we focus in features instead of price, which is the right way to go to be successful, but nevertheless it would be great if we could attract investors who might discover us on a good coingecko listing. We need capital as well in order to built great things, right :innocent:


Coingecko listing moribund
Screenshot from 2021-10-11 11.04.44

Thank you for bringing this to our attention. I have passed this on to the devs.

Any progress? Still listed as inactive here

Looks like it’s been this way for months…

Also, as mentioned here, the pDEX isn’t listed on Coingecko, but it is on Coinmarketcap, (but PRV isn’t listed there).

Did the pDEX ever have any data listed at CMC? It’s blank right now:

Noticed that there are two PRV coin listings on Coingecko, which may be part of any confusion that arises:

Is there anything we can do to get the other one removed or redirected?

Also, any update for the pDEX pages? Still looks like there’s nothing on CoinGecko, and no data on CoinMarketCap.


Good catch. How were you able to find the 2nd listing? Having a duplicate listing definitely adds to the confusion.

We have reached out to CoinGecko many times but it is hard to get a reply from them.

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