Integrate Incognito into Signal (PoC)

They have fear that we fork Signal? Why?


Yes, we start these days! :muscle:

We mirror the iOS version to make it easier for housekeeping. And we will benefit from the experience we have while developing the iOS version. Backend can be reused anyhow.

I will provide you with the GitHub links in a couple of days.


I would release without this feature and collect feedbacks from Signal users to see if they what it and what would they prioritize up.

I think communication with real users is really important.


They aren’t happy if forks using their infrastructure. It isn’t decentralised. :grin: They don’t like it if forks using Signal in their names such as “Incognito Signal”.

But I replied as follows

4 Likes :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face:


it is late in the morning. :crazy_face:

We launched our website today. To be honest it is our first version, some content is missing. But we will update continuously the website.

We’ve integrated a live chat on the website to get in touch with developers, give instant support and etc.


we are making progress in the Android sdk of Incognito Pay Kit.

In addition I want to say that our GitHub account of IncognitoPayKit has been hidden from public by an incident by mistake of GitHub spam bots.

I’m working to get the account public again. :roll_eyes: Maybe it is time for a decentralised GitHub. :smiley:

Our big website update launches this week too. Our designer she did an awesome job explaining our product



That would be great! :grinning: I have heard of git-ssb, but what do you have in mind?



How are you?

We launched our new website today. Have fun watching our animations made with :heart: by our designer.

Another update from GitHub - they didn’t reply to my message until now. I still wait for an answer.



Exciting, thank you!

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Cool work! I’d suggest to have some music enclosed for the demo vid :wink: :laughing:


@Ducky nice finding. We are making a real product video now with music. :slight_smile:

GitHub had continue blocked our account. :roll_eyes: I contact enterprise sales to hop on a paid account.

I want ask you if it sounds reasonable to build a fully working app like PayPal using the Incognito Pay Kit and extend with some more nice ui and features? It shouldn’t compete with the Incognito Crypto Wallet. But it should onboard unexperienced people into Incognito and offer to pay their bills of dinners with their friends. In addition it might be a better showcase for you guys when you talk to other app owners to integrated Incognito. I am happy to get feedback.


:crossed_fingers: :crossed_fingers:

In terms of giving advices, I would like to tag @andrey in, as he’s always good at giving helpful advices than me! :((( :smiley:

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Short update about my GitHub issue. They replied today morning. But didn’t remove the flag of my account. So I still cannot access the codebase. I am in contact with their support. Unfortunately they need ~5weeks for their first reply. :roll_eyes:

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Unbelievable! GitHub gave me interim access to my account to move my repositories to my paid enterprise account. It feels like: Give us money and we like you. :ghost:

I will dive into the code again and make the PoC available over the weekend.

I’m sorry for the inconvenient but it was out of my hands. :pensive:


Hi!! :ghost:

It isn’t just the 77th post in the thread. I really thank you for your patience.

Screenshot 2021-03-21 at 12.20.02

It might take some time until the Incognito Signal messenger app is processed by App Store Connect.

In the meantime I record a new demo video and I look for further improvements.

Join our tester community

Our fork of Signal messenger app is available for iOS app testing. You need to send us an email to support team and download the Apple TestFlight app on your iPhone.

Licensing restrictions

  • VoIP and other notifications were disabled
  • Our payment button is available in our Signal fork of 5.2.1 build 3
  • iOS 13 and newer
  • Our fork were built for UAT. Incognito testnet is connected. You can top up your balance for free
  • Signal starts unconfigured and must be configured
  • After configuration, Signal must be restarted for the Incognito Pay button to appear

Awesome stuff. Unfortunately i do not own an iphone, but i can get testflight on my PC (through emulators and such). Would it work? I want to help with the UAT.

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@Chucky I never tried this. :grimacing: But let’s give it a try. Signal needs a phone number. You can use any phone number you own. It doesn’t matter if you run Signal on a phone or in a simulator. I just wait for Apple to complete the review. Can you PM your Apple ID?


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This is awesome @andireuter! I would like to try it out as well, will DM you my apple ID.


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