Incognito Swag

Working on a commemorative incognito coin in pure copper (Really want to do .999 1 oz silver, but this is to test the idea.) With a designer. I guess I either do not know the old logo from the new. If someone can link where to find I am sure I could incorporate them easily into the design. These coins are meant to be both collectors items, as well as promotional as I am thinking of making the coins redeemable for 5 PRV or something along those lines.


That sounds fantastic, but I would love to purchase from an official incognito store. Would you be able to post this item there? Kinda like Amazon?

Oh my gosh-the crypto Amazon😳


I was thinking getting the node then unstake if then fully funded it with the 1750 and get 100% rewards

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Right now you’d be better off taking the 1750 PRV and running a vNode.


With how long it take to unstake probably

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Do u need the 1750 right away or can u code then stake


I have no intention of offering these coins though outside entities such as Amazon or Ebay. Figured they would be of most interest to those promoting Incognito though media channels as rewards or general promotion, and those who already have pre-exsisting incognito based sales channels.

This is project that is designed to help the Incognito community and the pDex as a whole. So feel best its keep within the Incognito community.

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No, no, I was just saying what if incognito could become like the Amazon of the crypto world. With being able to buy things from the incognito website, like you would Amazon.


@Jerry_Watson oops, my apologies. I saw Amazon and went on a tangent it seems! I see what you meant. And honestly you gave my idea a bases. We need an official Incognito store. One where all the vendors who offer Swag can go.

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For sure, I also see you popping into other threads, and I’m liking many of your ideas.
I enjoy constructive criticism, engaging thoughts, ideas and learning. I get A LOT of that on here, way less “negativity” so to say.


Anyone know the one year date after main launch? Gosh, I keep randomly thinking about a one-year commemorative coin or something that is officially made :star_struck:

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All blockchains start with a Genesis block.
Ours is here


Was thinking the exact same thing @Jerry_Watson! I figure the first coin will either be a colorized Nickle or copper. Then the 1 year coin would be a .999 pure silver coin.

Just curious if the person who had made shirts in the past was doing a variant with new logo?

@MrCryptoMuffin Hit up @Joe_Moffett he can make you one of the variants.

If anyone have Incognito Stuff, please let me know, I want to buy it

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Check out the Marketplace under the community section. Ive posted some things under there as well.

Which variant are you referring too?

I can make a shirt for you, just let me know

I’ve made some random things, decals, shirts, whiskey glasses etc

If you’re interested just let me know, or go to