How to setup your own node in a blink of an eye (Now support multi-nodes per host)

Nah, Rocky’s script passes on options by using environment variables when starting the docker container (-e flags). These are then read and used by the script inside the container. The problem is that in my docker container, the NUM_INDEXER_WORKERS and ENABLE_COIN_INDEXER are not used for anything.

As you can see here --numindexerworkers is hardcoded to 0


Ah, I see the issue now. I escalated this with the devs and they are having the code changed. This was changed prior and never changed back. Please note to use this environment variable you will have to be running a fullnode.


Hey guys @Rocky @Jared, if I have two vNodes on one server, and one of them with status latest and the second with status stall.

Should I restart the second one? If so can I do it separately, or do I have to restart both (they both are on the same server)?


Hello @andrey,

I have a handy guide for vNode operators helping with troubleshooting:

I would first try to restarting that stalled node with:

docker container stop inc_mainnet_#

(replace the # with the problematic node number. check docker ps for this)

To start just this node use:

docker container start inc_mainnet_#

(again change the # to your node number)

If restarting does not work follow the troubleshooting guide to stop the node. Delete stalled data (shard or beacon) and then restart the node.




Thanks @Jared, gonna try tonight )

@JG20 :wave:



Alright, thanks for the reply.

I’ve changed everything accordingly and waited for my 1750 PRVs to be withdrawn from the Provide. They are in my wallet now.

Now I’m the step 6 (Adding your node) of the guide How to host a Virtual Node (out dated)

I’ve added the node with the IP of the server + “:9433” but it shows that the node is not active, that I have to import a keychain and the name of the node in the list is only a dash. I’ve tried to import a keychain but it fairly states that it has already been imported into the app. I have no option to stake and pass to step 7.

I checked at and the node is online with only the Beacon synced at the current block height (and still syncing) meanwhile it is blocked at block 1 for the 8 shards and it is not syncing; it also has, rightly, no stake.

What am I doing wrong?

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It’s the other port (RPC) you’re trying to add the node port.


Oh, now I get it. Thanks a lot. Now it is stakable.


Hey @Support,

To avoid the risks of Ethereum full-node centralization (i.e. infura), is it possible to use our own Ethereum full-nodes?

For example, I’m a StrongBlock (provides single-click Ethereum fullnode setup) operator and have multiple Ethereum full-nodes which are ready to use with their RPC and WSS endpoints.


Hi @abduraman,

I think you just need to change the GETH_NAME into your RPC fullnode URL then all is well.

You’re totally able to do that, just change the GETH_NAME to your StrongBlock host


Will try. Thanks.

Hello I am trying to set up a full node by referring to this article @sid @Gaurav_Saini

I had a few queries though

  1. What are the minimum requirements for the VPS in order to run the full node? I read an article here which gives me the bare minimum requirements, also I posted a query on this topic and got mixed replies. Please let me know if the below-mentioned specs will be enough for running a full node?
  • 6 CPUs
  • 16 GB RAM
  • 400 GB SSD
  1. What do I do with the validator keys in the install script? I only intend to set up a full node for data retrieval purposes.

Please find the section below :

VALIDATOR_K="validator key 1,

validator key 2,

validator key 3"

Do I delete this part or do I set it as empty ie VALIDATOR_K=""?

  1. How will I know that the full node is synchronized up to date? I read in this article that we can Send request getbeaconbeststatedetail to our full node and if the If my epoch number “Epoch”: 932 is same as Incognito’s website , then your full node is synchronized up to date. Is this correct?
  1. The hardware config is good enough. but since the current data of a typical fullnode is now around 150GB, so I think you should throw in some more SSD if you plan to use it for a long time.
  2. For the best, you should set it as empty.
  3. You can use the following command to get your node current block height, then compare them with
curl -s --header "Content-Type: application/json" --request POST --data '{ "jsonrpc":"1.0", "method":"getblockchaininfo", "params":[], "id":1 }' http://your-node-ip:rpc-port

Thank you so much. I had another query.

Once my full node setup is complete, how do I post RPC calls on this full node using postman?

Do I have to paste “https://node-ip:rpc-port” in the section where we paste the full node URL?

I have posted RPC calls on the community full nodes by using the community full node URLs ie and

Please find the screenshot below:
getreward amount
Will my full node URL look something similar to

The URL has the following form: IP:PORT (with http or https prefix, depending on your server configuration, usually http for ip). For example:


Hello @Rocky
Once the full node setup is complete. How much time does it usually take for all the data to sync completely?
How do i check if all the beacon and shard data (all eight shards) are synced for my full node ?
Is there a way to monitor the sync status of the full node?

You said i can use the following command to get my node current block height, then compare them with

curl -s --header “Content-Type: application/json” --request POST --data ‘{ “jsonrpc”:“1.0”, “method”:“getblockchaininfo”, “params”:[], “id”:1 }’ http://your-node-ip:rpc-port

Do i have to use this command every time i want to check if my full node is in sync? @sid

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Hello @Jared @Rocky
I did set up my own full node.
I tried submitting an OTA Key to my full node using “authorizedsubmitkey” and it gave me the following error: fromHeight is larger than the current shard height
Please find the attached screenshot
fromheight is larger than current shard height
Can you elaborate on what does this error mean? The Description of the error in the following article says that the error means “The third parameter is larger than the current block height on the blockchain”

Does this mean that my full node is not in sync? How do I go about fixing this? @sid @Gaurav_Saini