Fee of 79$ on $87 transfer (HELP)


For some reason I’m trying to move $80 worth of USDC into my exterior wallet; however, its saying that I need pUSD and the fee is $79 out of the 87$ I’m trying to move.

Why is this app charging so much? I need my money now and its been stuck like this for weeks. I have a little over $20 in PRV that I’m about to cash in for more USDC. I have never had any problem with this app before. Kinda feel like my funds are being held random. I don’t like that at all!
Anyway, I’m not mad, this had to be some mixup. However, I need my funds asap it’s an emergency!


And oh uhh… Hey forum😁
I’m the Grand Master Ant :sunglasses:


ETH gas fees. It’s not an Incognito issue. Any ETH/ERC-20 transaction is subject to these fees.

You have a few options.

  • Keep an eye on one of the Ethereum gas tracker websites and unshield when gas fees are lower-ish. BTW “lower-ish” as in a few tens of dollars; the days of ETH based crypto transactions costing a few cents are long gone.

  • Exchange your pUSDC for a low network fee coin like pXMR or pLTC. Transfer that out to a supported wallet, then trade for USDC. If you don’t strictly need USDC, you could just cash out as XMR or LTC and bypass potential ETH fees altogether. Otherwise you might still need to pay those ETH gas fees if you have to transfer the USDC somewhere after the trade to cash it out.


Trading to and sending BNB is another good option for nominal Un-shielding fees.


Welcome to the community @Antonio_Torro…and well indeed both what @Mike_Wagner and @17Strife state is true…regretfully ETH gas fees are killing everyone in the cryptoverse not just Incognito… :sunglasses:


Wow!! That’s straight robbery! I’ve known about ETH fees but I thought good certain this had to be a bug!!!
I’m over here LMAO right now lol lol They Really think it’s okay to raise taxes to over 90%???

Etherneum are sell outs to be honest. The banks Recently filed an act to congress that will ban and criminalize possession of Nodes. Only Federally acclaimed banks will be able to possess or use a node. At least in the USA as far as I know. So, I don’t know if you’ve heard but they are going to stop honoring cryptocurrency and consider all of it as counterfeit.

But hey, guess who’s block chain they chose to use?

This is an injustice, a despicable act of greed and something needs to be done!

So just wanted to thank everyone for the advice! Great answers and I’m glad this was an easy fix! But lmao @ETH they must be huffing Wei lol

I hope outrageous taxes lead to criminal indictments😎