"Can not verify proof of tx" error

Hey @Support,

My tests go on :slight_smile: The next one is the error below. I created a trade request (via RPC) and got it. Then I sent a new trade request with the same parameters and it succeeded that time. What is the reason for the error and is it possible to prevent the error while sending the trade request?

Error’: {‘Code’: -1, ‘Message’: ‘Unexpected error’, ‘StackTrace’: '-1: -6004: -1001: Reject invalid tx -1025: Can not verify proof of tx [tx_hash] -9207: Verify aggregated proof failed verify aggregated range proof statement 1 failed …}


The error stack indicates that the transaction wasn’t properly created (the BulletProofs part was invalid).
For creating trade request via RPCs, have you checked these examples out?

Were you disclosing private key in the payload of the trade RPC call?

My trade request tests are working. Just I faced this error once. Then, I repeated the transaction with “the same parameters”. If the transaction hadn’t been properly created, then it wouldn’t work when I repeated it, right?

Yes. Confused :slight_smile: Is there any method to sending the trade RPC “without” disclosing private key? @duc

I mean if you do so, take your own risk, especially calling to a fullnode that you are not an owner. It’s totally up to you and the core team is not responsible for any losses from such an action :slight_smile:

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Oh, I know. No problem :slight_smile:

Hey @daniel,

I faced it once more. “Same transaction content” first returns this but when I resend it once more, then it works. How is this possible? And is there any easy solution for the client side?


Hi @abduraman,

Thank you for reporting. I let the devs know about this bug. I’ll inform you as soon as it’s resolved. Sorry for this inconvenience.

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