Bi-Weekly Privacy Newsletter - 08.15.2023

Quick Take

  • :test_tube: Privacy Inscriptions update was deployed to testnet

  • :desktop_computer: pNode Diagnostic Tool released

Want to keep track of our privacy development? Follow us on Twitter or join our Discord server.

Technical developments :construction_worker_man:

Privacy Inscriptions :test_tube:

Privacy Inscriptions were deployed to testnet!
Want to get a sneak peak? Users can get access here:

Testing was done last week, we hope to deploy to mainnet sometime next week. Keep watch for a UI/UX post to come out soon.

Want to try it out? Comment below your testnet address or send a message to @Support and we can get you started. :mage:

pNode Diagnostic Tool :desktop_computer:

A new user script was released for all pNode operators to diagnose potential issues with their pNode hardware. Check out the announcement post to learn how to get started: [User Guide] pNode Diagnostic Tool

Thank you for being part of the Incognito community! :busts_in_silhouette:

Best regards,
The Incognito Team