Switch from wifi to ethernet

Hello, I would like to switch my pNode connection from WiFi to ethernet, since I always have a problem with my wifi but not through cable. All I’ve done so far is plugging an ethernet cable to the device.

One more thing, it’s been a month, an I’ve only received 6PRV as a reward. It’s a lil bit SUS.


Hi @cureau, welcome to the community. To switch over the wired network, simply plug an Ethernet cable into the device as you did.

On the other hand, the PRV reward is distributed by the random selection of the network. You can refer to this post for more information: pNode earnings


Thanks! Went back and saw the ethernet light is blinking, Im gonna assume it has started working.

Btw, are cryptos transferred to the pNode wallet stays inside the pNode? You know, like a ledger but it’s the pNode.

Hi @cureau, it is not correct. pNode now is just a device that can store and sync the data of the Incognito network. The main purpose of those activities is to produce block and verify the transactions when the Node is picked to join the committee.