[SOLVED] Wallets not loading

we are back online!! Thanks @Peter @Jamie



Just tried to install the Incognito wallet on my android phone (Huawei p30 pro).
When I run the app for the first time it tells that an update is needed. It downloads the update, then generate the keys and finally displays a message: Entering incognito mode for your crypto. After about a minute or two it displays very very fast an error message in red saying something like: Ooops something went wrong. Can’t something about an API. Sorry it’s only visible for about a second before it dissapears. Afterward nothing, the screen stays on Entering incognito mode. Tried to uninstall and reinstall and restarted the phone, doesn’t work. I’m running android version 10.
Any help appreciated.

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The fullnode used by the app is currently unresponsive. Support will have it back up and running in a few hours.

Just hang tight and check back in 6/8 hours.


You just happened to download at the worst time :joy: like Mike said, give it some time the team is based in Vietnam for the most part. They’ll hit this hard tomorrow since basically the whole community is like, “what the heck is going on?!” :laughing:

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Hey @jml, we’re processing this issue. I will get back once it’s done.

Thanks @Mike_Wagner and @Jerry_Watson for support :slight_smile:



Just tried to install the Incognito wallet on my android phone (Huawei p30 pro).
When I run the app for the first time it tells that an update is needed. It downloads the update, then generate the keys and finally displays a message: Entering incognito mode for your crypto. After about a minute or two it displays very very fast an error message in red saying something like: Ooops something went wrong. Can’t something about an API. Sorry it’s only visible for about a second before it dissapears. Afterward nothing, the screen stays on Entering incognito mode. Tried to uninstall and reinstall and restarted the phone, doesn’t work. I’m running android version 10.
Any help appreciated.

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not solved yet. issue is still exist.

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Full nodes is still problem. Come back later on.

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Its already fixed, you should check it now :wink:


Yup, it is back normal now…


hi everyone, thank you for reporting this issue, and please accept our apologies for any inconvenience caused.

here is more information about what happened, and what we’re doing to avoid similar situations in the future.
