[SOLVED] Pending deposit

HI, I sent 100 to my incognito address last night at 8PM. Its almost 24hrs and it has been at pending(3). Is that normal?

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Usually transactions go through for me in like 2-8 minutes. However if your shielding coins, it would depend on how fast the transactions are processed for that particular coin on that blockchain.
Usually for crypto coins, speed is related to the transaction fee. The higher the fee, the more incentive the network has to process your transaction.
However, i’m not quite sure why your transaction is taking so long. Over the past hour has the pending number increased?

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Nope, still at 3.

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Now I also have some ZIL stuck somewhere between my dex wallet and my Acc0 wallet. It says sent but it’s not appeared in my wallet for 3 hours.

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I think we are going to need some help then. @Peter

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Hi, let’s tap on that pending deposit to get inside, and give me this information in a private message:
1/ The screenshot of that deposit
2/ The transaction hash from the sender
Regarding the ZIL transaction, did you withdraw your ZIL from DEX to the Account 0? Could I have some screenshots, too?