[solved] incognito-cli withdrawreward command failing

Recently upgraded my server situation, which is great…
Didn’t move all move scripts over before the cloud VMs expired, which is not great…

So I’m rebuilding a couple of things but am getting stuck.

incognito-cli withdrawreward -p $key


2024/01/22 16:02:07 [-4002] Cannot create reward withdrawal transaction: RPC returns an error: &{-6004 Pool reject invalid tx: signature, or proof or verify by itself fail -6004: -1001: Reject invalid tx -1025: Can not verify proof of tx [5f9bb56f3a43d120200a033e499c378c333303a4c4713b1a1131207d30bcb798] AggregatedRangeProofV2 of PaymentProofV2 must be version 2 or higher

Not sure what I’m doing wrong

Hello @Josh_Hamon,

What command are you running to get that output? Not showing on my side.

Oops, edited above

try get account balance with

incognito-cli -c 1 -d 1 account balanceall -p $key

Then retry withdraw reward

incognito-cli -c 1 -d 1 withdrawreward -p $key

Thanks, still getting that error but with more information. I think -c 1 is to localing cahce the information, what is -d 1?

cacheDirectory: /prv/.cache/mainnet
Withdrawing the reward for tokenID 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000004, using tx version 2
2024/01/24 05:18:15 Loading cache for $key
2024/01/24 05:18:15 Loaded utxoCache for OtaKey $otakey successfully!
2024/01/24 05:18:15 Loading cache successfully!
2024/01/24 05:18:15 Current cache size: 1
2024/01/24 05:18:15 Current OTALength for token 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000004, shard 3: 300085
2024/01/24 05:18:15 Current LatestIndex for token 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000004: 300084
2024/01/24 05:18:15 FINISHED SYNCING OUTPUT COINS OF TOKEN 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000004 AFTER 6.906e-06 SECOND
2024/01/24 05:18:15 Found 233 v1 output coins
2024/01/24 05:18:16 [-4002] Cannot create reward withdrawal transaction: RPC returns an error: &{-6004 Pool reject invalid tx: signature, or proof or verify by itself fail -6004: -1001: Reject invalid tx -1025: Can not verify proof of tx [62a3bbcd1e531951ff1cb00bfd37e8602dff689d9c9097216cd99518e166fbe1] AggregatedRangeProofV2 of PaymentProofV2 must be version 2 or higher

-c 1 is cache coins to your local storage (your PC)
-d 1 is enable debug log on terminal
You should try account balanceall and send with incognito-cli to see if we have any issue with this account’s privatekey.
BTW are you getting the latest version of incognito-cli??

./incognito-cli --version gave me version 1.0.0,
wget the 3.0.0 alpha and reinstalled
./incognito-cli --version still gives me version 1.0.0,
but now the command works like a charm!

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when I run ./incognito-cli -c 1 account balance -p $key

cacheDirectory: /prv/.cache/mainnet
        "Balance": 59225636716

but when I immediately run ./incognito-cli account balance -p $key

        "Balance": 59088162866

What is difference from?