Sexy New UI/UX Concept Design Idea!

Any update or progress on this sexy UX?

I am still here. Been thinking of ideas for the dex, but they are still on backend stuff. But unless I get a programmer that wants to help things will be grounded.

Really incognito wallet does a lot of things right, my only problem with it is that its hard to see what’s going on.
I never can keep track of how much value I have locked away in provide. And if my prv value is up in my assets I can not easily tell if its because one asset is doing very well, or if prv has gone down and it’s making everything else look like its growing. Sparklines would fix this.
P&L stats I think are needed so people can clearly see the value growing. And have it all be clean and informative for beginners.


I’m really looking forward to the new wallet.

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So, now we can have a dark mode for the app! Who would imagine that?

What comes next? A dark mode for this forum?!

It will be much more challenging to feel the pleasure of a white background burning the eyes when we start to have a choice on it.

Do you think the user base is ready for this big step into the unknown?

Now seriously, I would love to see a dark theme.

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Better comment on the right post then, or write a post on it yourself.
This thread is about a design for a crypto wallet app, created by a talented community member.

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Are you sure that my comment is on the wrong place?

Yep, this post is not related to what the team is working on.
The right post would be this one.

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A dark theme is not just an idea from the community at the moment?

I love this so much

You could use the search function and find out how often dark mode has been mentioned already.

If you want a community member who posts an idea for a design to know that you would like a dark mode, then you are at the right place here.

If you want the team who develops the actual Incognito Wallet app to know about your desire for dark mode, you should move to the post I mentioned earlier.

Can’t make it clearer than that.


… and another one in the wrong spot.

If you want a community member who posts an idea for a design to know that you would like a dark mode, then you are at the right place here.

That’s what I thought.

My bad, I thought you wanted the actual Incognito app to have dark mode.
This forum already has dark mode btw.

I found the dark mode for the forum, thanks.

I thought you wanted the actual Incognito app to have dark mode.

And you are right, I would like to use the app with dark mode.

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Then address the team, not a community member who shared their own design of how a wallet app could look.


Good idea. Done. Thank you.


Hey JoyRaptor, I’m currently working on Stellar integration, but would be happy to hop on this with you and see what we can whip up over the next few weeks! I assume you’re in the Builder’s Telegram server, yes? We can chat there!


Have there been any developments in regards to this app yet? I would really like an Inc. app with this look and feel!


Oh hey! I just remembered these topics. Any updates on these? Or are they postponed due to the team’s shifting focus to other work?

Other topic:
Concept Art UI/UX for a unified incognito experience.

I still need a developer to make this happen. I am an artist, I did all the legwork on ui/ux but I can’t push it further without help.

I have floated the ui with a couple other projects to see if anyone else wants to bite.

I do think a sexy AF ui would help adoption, Along with faster TX time. The current wallet is really good in a lot of respects, I just think some aspects can be pushed more

If anyon wants to tip me for the work I have done so far my incognito address is:


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