Provision Withdrawals

Just a question about the timing. I understand that it says it might take 5-7 days, but most of the time I’ve done a withdrawal, it’s been within a few hours. I see people asking all the time about potentially stuck withdrawals (most not waiting 5-7 days). Am I being silly not requesting someone look at mine, or are they being impatient when theirs would have resolved automatically soon?

My main question is, at what point should we ask? Since most of the time it’s within an hour or two for me, if it hits 4-5 hours I start wondering if it’s stuck. Is it a matter of the size or the withdrawal? Is it completely random? .

Right now I have a 20 DAI withdrawal request that’s at 24 hours in “Pending.” I am not trying to be impatient, but if you tell me that this small withdrawal should be done within a couple hours and that means it’s stuck, I’d rather not wait. If it’s “normal” and will definitely resolve itself on it’s own within the 5-7 days, that seems like a rather excessive wait time, but OK I’ll wait.

Also, is it “OK” to make another withdrawal of the same coin while one withdrawal is “stuck” in “Pending” status - or would that potentially cause more problems?

Thank you!

hey, thanks for your questions. hopefully this will help clear things up for other Provide users.

all requests are processed in a queue, so waiting time depends on how many requests are in the pending list- the bulk of which are typically reward withdrawals of very small amounts of PRV.

sometimes, a larger provision withdrawal requires us to unstake virtual nodes, or redirect liquidity, which can take time. so while wait times are not random, it does depend on a variety of changing factors.

obviously this process is not very efficient. planned improvements: we might further separate withdrawals into 2 queues for larger and smaller withdrawals. this should hopefully reduce wait times all round.

we do keep an eye on if anything gets stuck, so typically it won’t be that. for smaller amounts, typically the wait time is far less than 7 days, so if a week has passed, definitely reach out to @support.

i know a blanket 7 days wait is not super helpful, but this currently covers all sizes of withdrawals - hopefully with future improvements we will be able to make this more precise.

at the moment, as a guard against spam, concurrent withdrawals of the same currency are not possible - we are looking into this as well to see if we can find a more elegant solution. new requests won’t go through if there’s a request pending, but accidentally initiating them won’t affect the first request - that would already be in the queue.

hope that helps!