[Product release] Incognito wallet extension & web-based swap

Shielding is a little bit hidden @3ncrypt3d You should open incognito.org and connect the wallet. Then you will use swap tab in the “site”. Both from and to will be the same coin but “to” will have the network to which you want to unshield.


Hi @duc. Any update on supporting the masterless keychain?

Ah, very slick. Thanks!

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@JG20 The team has been working on Masterless keychain support for a couple weeks now. Its ETA is by the end of next week. Also, because this will need to be submitted to browser store for review, it can take a few days more I think.


Can a feature be added to import coins? @duc Currently, I cannot use the extension with my account which has so many output coins although it has so less unspent coins. While the extension syncs, I go on browsing Internet and check the sync ratio out time-to-time. It seems ok but after some time passes, I see it never reaches to %100 and starts to sync again from scratch.

An easy solution would be that the extension can recognize and import the output file under .cache folder generated by incognito-cli. So I’ll sync my account with incognito-cli and then I’ll import the output file into the extension.

Oh got it. I guess the coin-scanning process was killed by the browser for some reason (e.g resource usage was excessive, …). As stated in the previous bi-weekly update, we’ve improved it by supporting the resume from where it left off capability, so that you won’t need to re-sync from scratch once the issue happens. This is being reviewed on the browser store and will be published for use soon.

Thereby, the way of coin scanning of incognito-cli and wallet extension is quite similar except you are not able to import the scanned coins from an existing .cache directory yet.

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Hey @JG20, just wanted to get you updated about Masterless keychain support on Incognito wallet extension, its implementation is done, we were testing it on browsers and found a couple of issues that need to be fixed. Will let you know once it’s published on the browser store. Thank you.


Thanks for the update!

@JG20 the latest wallet extension (v0.0.7) has supported masterless keychain, please update your extension if it hasn’t and give it a try. Thanks.

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Yes, it works. @duc

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How did you get it to work? When I open it, I only get “Create New Key” and “Import Phrase” options. It shows version 0.0.7. @duc

I didn’t do it from scratch. Probably it requires a phrase initially as Metamask does. After that, you may import your masterless account by clicking the button with the account name at the top-right.

@JG20, just like @abduraman said, go to keychains by clicking on Top Right Button (account name), switch to Setting MasterKey and click on “Import a keychain”.
After you import a masterless keychain, there will be one more option for “Masterless” in the top right dropbox.

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Hi @duc. I’ve been using this for about a week now. The main challenge is that it’s slow to scan accounts that I add. I have a bunch of old accounts and it takes more than an hour for each one, but that’s only if I make sure nothing interrupts it like clicking a different browser the wrong way. And even if I leave it active and do nothing, it freezes multiple times during the process, and then I have to close the browser and reopen it, enter the password again, and then cross my fingers that I don’t do something to interrupt the process. Am I doing something wrong here?

The above will be critical to decentralisation. I would like to be able to specify my own Node to connect within my local network, hence please support the ability to connect to 192.168.XXX.XXX addresses.

I have lost a lot of crypto via a web browser plugin.
I made a promise to myself NEVER to use a browser plugin that didn’t support Ledger Hardware wallet for Confirmations.

I ONLY use Metamask with my Ledger Nano to approve transactions.

QUESTION: When is Ledger Nano support coming to Incognito Network?
Please provide an updated roadmap on this long outstanding community request (Oct 2020 - Ledger hardware wallet support? ) @duc @Jayce_Nguyen @maisie

Hey @Linnovations, as stated in the roadmap, the team has been working on the hardware wallet support for a couple of months now. The code for that is almost completed, we are speaking to Ledger team for a code review (for publishing the code to their store). For more details, I think @DariusL who is the owner of the development effort might give a more correct update.


Hi there @Linnovations,
Regarding Ledger hardware wallet integration, we’ve concluded features development; these features need more testing though. You will be able to view your hardware wallet account’s balances and confirm shield, transfer & swap transactions with your hardware device.
We will be submitting our Ledger App to the store next week. Do note that the Ledger app store review process can take a long time to complete, and only then will you be able to install Incognito’s App from Ledger Live. You could also side-load our app to your Nano device (developers only), we’ll have a guide for that next week.


Thank you @duc & @DariusL for the update on the Ledger Nano integration.

Incognito have one of the BEST development teams in the crypto space.

This news put a BIG :smile: on my face and I look forward to testing out this feature and using this feature in the near future. I shall await the official update and guide from the team soon.

Many thanks :pray:


Hey @duc, any thoughts on this? The scanning has slowed to a crawl and I have to restart the browser about every 3-5%.