(Outdated post) Network Explorer

Do you ask how many PRV @inccry wants for incscan? I see it’s on sale :hushed:

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Noo @inccry, is everything ok?

@inccry, are you selling the source code?

Make an offer in DM!

I sell all, yeah.

I’m ok, thank you.

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How will this sell go? Do you sell the code, to be installed on the buyer’s server, or does the buyer take over your current server? Not sure you are hosting it somewhere or running servers at your home/office.

I won’t transfer any server. So yeah, code + domain name + Docker compose to run the service + Cloudflare. Maybe a dump of all data at a given date too (because indexing from scratch takes a lot of time)

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@duc would the core team be interested in acquiring this? I think the community can’t bear the loss of incscan as it’s a huge part of the ecosystem.

For example I was a big user of https://watch.incognito.market/ and it got shutdown a few weeks ago as @raz stopped maintaining it.

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Is the reason for the sale the cost of compute? If yes, I’d be happy to gift a server to keep this alive.

He already got a lot of PRV from the DAO. I don’t think that is the problem

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No, it’s not about the cost.

Whatever the reason is for @inccry wanting to sell his app…the point is that he wishes to sell it…my only request of him is that he leave such an important tool that he created and has maintained all this time in good and capable hands…and indeed Inccry my friend thank you for the work you did and the tool you created…whatever the reason be for you wishing to sell it all I can say is best of luck bro in whatever you go onto next and thank you once again…Tempestblack… :sunglasses:


Yes thank you @inccry for all your work on this important tool, and for being open to me pulling data from your endpoints! All the best.

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Knock. Knock. Are you still here? :joy: @inccry

It seems that https://incscan.io/pdex/trades page has stopped. It does not update.

Hi @abduraman, fixed few hours ago, weird data in a trading transaction that blocked trades indexing.


:no_entry: Service notice :no_entry:

incscan.io will be shutdown by the end of the month of may.
It includes fullnode.incognito.best shutdown too.

That is extremely sad :cry: thanks @inccry for running and supporting incscan for all this time. Did anyone buy it in the end or will there not be a handover? This is an extremely useful piece of the ecosystem so it would be a shame if it was forever shutdown and not open-sourced.

@duc any thoughts on this? Will the core team plan on running a replacement service?


Not just extremely sad, this is extremely bad. Why? This means that my whale bots will be down too since the team does not provide us with a full node with websocket support and my full node is not stable. There is much more. nomics gets data from incscan. So, nomics page for PRV and pDEX will be down too.

Most importantly, incscan is not just a network explorer for Incognito as of now. It is the visible face of this project. Please do not allow this or provide the community with a tool with the same quality. @duc


I believe @Nito also uses the Incscan fullnode for querying PRV prices. However I think @J053 runs his own fullnode for Ensi & Lana.

If not, then Incognito will go silent on every active community built project as well as the few external projects – such as Nomics, CoinGecko and possibly even ViTeX – which utilize endpoints generously provided by Incscan. Incognito will literally become a blackhole.

Sad news indeed.

QFT … the damn truth.