(Outdated post) Network Explorer

8 shards, and the beacon itself, probably. That would make 9

Found the problem, I think :slight_smile: I examined the code and got the result of the getbeaconbeststate at the 2357th epoch. In that epoch, incscan shows 2307 and gettotalstaker returns 2316. Futhermore, the official explorer shows the same numbers. Here is the related part of pretty-printed json result:

Region capture 93

If we follow the code (getAllStaker() at https://github.com/incognitochain/incognito-chain/blob/dev/master-consensus-v2-optimized/dataaccessobject/statedb/statedb.go) and do math, we get 2316 (=7+1989+8*32+8*8). Surprisingly, the beacon committee has 7 validators, not 8. Why? ( To any devs from the team :slight_smile: ) If this is true, incscan should show gettotalstaker - 7. Otherwise, incscan should show gettotalstaker - 8

Currently, incscan shows gettotalstaker - 9. If this is true and not a bug, where does -1 comes from? Again, any help from the team is appreciated. @Support The calculation of the correct number is also required for IncogWhaleBot.

FWIW When I run https://api.incscan.io/network/staking-nodes/total I get 2307 validators but when I go to the website I see 2193 active validators.

@Josh_Hamon please force refresh your Incscan page.

That worked for me, do I need to be refreshing the page?

A fix was deployed few days ago and it seems you didn’t get the last client side code. Could be a Cloudflare issue, will inspect that later. (the force refresh fixed that)

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:mega: 1.7.9 version released :mega:

New feature:

  • Pair of the month dashboard widget: A new widget has been added to simple and advanced dashboards, it shows key figures about a selected trading pair. The first pair is PRV-QUEST and next pairs will be chosen by the community and the incognito team.

    Capture d’écran 2020-11-18 à 04.33.11


hey @abduraman, I’d like to confirm that the beacon committee size is currently 7 so please update your formula if needed, thanks :slight_smile:


This means that incscan shows 2 missing or is there another reason for that? @inccry

I don’t know, my calculation is : 176 (fixed nodes) + staking transactions count - unstaked transactions counts

It’s possible that I missed few transactions for some reason, but hard to debug the full blockchain history :sweat_smile:

Let’s wait for the staking detailed statistics feature on Incscan, it will be easier to try to find an explanation.

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:mega: 1.7.10 version released :mega:

New feature:

  • Coin of the month dashboard widget: A new widget has been added to simple and advanced dashboards, it shows key figures about a selected coins. The first coin is pBTC and next coins will be chosen by the community and the incognito team.

    Capture d’écran 2020-11-18 à 19.11.11


  • Custom pairs volume: Volume on custom pairs charts is back. It wasn’t displayed since trades v2 feature was delivered.

    Capture d’écran 2020-11-18 à 19.13.27


Hey @inccry,

I think incscan read the wrong pETH (there are two pETH) from api.incognito.org/ptoken/list. That’s why ETH ERC-20 (un)shieldings are seen as ETH BEP2. FYI.

Region capture 95

Hi @abduraman,

Is this BEP2 ETH token new?

Ok, ETH BEP2 token created few days ago and not verified.

Thanks, I’ll try to clean this kind of tokens…


Vote for the next coin of the month on incscan.io!

See the dedicated thread about that:


How to get coins to vote ? )

Read the linked post @andrey :sweat_smile:


Hi @inccry

Can you add memo column in this page or in detail page? It will help me a lot. Thanks :relaxed:

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Hi @tien,

Memo added: https://incscan.io/tx/7deb8e2ee425bd3f545b0853d1dd93ae30de06a0f8539e3b5a8d3969d327778b


@inccry Thank you for the great network explorer. I have one minor suggestion intended only as constructive feedback. On most explorers related to other blockchains that I visit, when I land on the main page, there is an input box already open for me to paste whatever tx id or address I would like to search for. On INC explorer, I have to click on the search/magnifying glass icon first to open an input box. On a laptop screen, then is plenty of room for an open input box ready for me to paste in the address or tx id I wish to find. I assume you may have done it this way so it looks better on mobile phones. Just thought one might be able to save an extra click if search input box is already opened and ready since explorer’s are meant to explore tx id’s and addresses as efficiently as possible. As I said, this is very minor point and the organization of information is very well laid out. Thanks again.