Nito FAQ (Telegram Bot)

Ive gotten pending, and earning notifications for 3 nodes over the last two days. But, no notification of them going back to waiting. My ENSI backup seems to be functioning normally, so it is on the Nito side somewhere.

Yep it’s definitely me. Still working on getting stable.

Rollback complete, Nito should notify correctly again. While notifications were down, the node status was still being updated in the system. Feel free to use /status to see if you missed any notifications.

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Thank you @Josh_Hamon
da man always on the job
 :wink: :100: :+1: :sunglasses:

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/price now aligns with the app ±.0001


Thank you!

Hey @Josh_Hamon, THANK YOU for doing this.
To reduce any possible confusion for Nito users outside the US, could you add $USD in front of the price value?

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Hi @Josh_Hamon,

Thanks again for creating Nito bot. I’m a huge fan!

I wanted to report something that is a little weird going on with Nito after I’ve added a new vNode.

The Node Monitor is showing my new vNode as as follows:
Status = online | Sync State = Latest | Vote Stats (%) = blank (as it has yet to be selected to be on a committee).

Whilst my new vNode is waiting to be selected, Nito bot is keeps on pinging me every 5 hours or so with the following message:

{nodeName2} is back to Waiting. 
PRV price (USD) is 0.7029 

Also, please note that after running “/status”, Nito displays the following:

I have found 2 nodes, one moment please.
Here's what I found:
{nodeName1} is Pending, with 0PRV.
{nodeName2) is not found, with -1PRV. 

I found this to be a little odd language so I thought I’d bring it to your attention.

Also, shouldn’t nodeName2 (which is my new vNode) be “Waiting” rather than “not found”?

Thanks Josh for your help with this.

Yes that does sound strange. If you’re willing can you DM me your public keys?

Hey Josh, Now that my new vNode was selected on a committee and earned it’s first reward, the strangeness has disappeared.

Also the issue with the “Waiting message” that was appearing every 5 or so hours has no longer happening once my node earnt it’s 1st rewards.

Once I saved up enough PRV to launch another vNode I will ping you again (if the Nito bot problem resurfaces) and I will be happy to provide my public key so you can troubleshoot the issue.

Thanks again for creating and maintaining Nito bot.

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Hey @Josh_Hamon,
Happy New Year to you!
:pray: Thanks again for building and maintaining Nito bot.

I was in the process of adding a New Node to Nito and I think where the confusion may lie (see quote above) is because there are 2 Public Keys listed in the keychain section of the app:
A) Public key (Incognito Wallet) ~50 chrs
B) Validator Public Key ~150 chrs

In your help Tip for the “/add” command refers to adding our “publickey” so the user may be getting confused which one to use.

Perhaps more clarification in the help tip would eliminate this confusion. E.g. add in character length perhaps.
Your thoughts?

Hey Josh, one other question

Can I add my Node whilst it is in the “Shard Syncing” state or must the node be fully sync’d with the “Sync State” = Latest ?

I will update that

You should be able to add it while the shard is syncing

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I love Nito Bot, but recently the incognito Team changed how slashing worked. Previously, if there was a problem and a node got slashed, I would get a notification on Nito Bot that the node can’t be seen, and I would immediately go and investigate/fix the issue. However, now, when slashed, nodes just change to “syncing” state. Nito then tells me it is “waiting”, which is ambiguous, since the same state is used for when nodes are no longer in committee.

Is there any way to adjust Nito Bot so it let’s us know when a node has entered “syncing” state instead of “pending” or “committee”?

Hey @Josh_Hamon, I concur with what @brico84 is saying.
It would be great to get Nito Bot updated based on the recent changed to how slashing works. Many thanks and Merry Christmas to you and your family.

I agree that it would be clearer that way. Nito is based on pre-status monitor code, which is why you don’t enter the validator public key.

For Nito to have this level of functionality, I would need to restart from scratch. I don’t know if 2024 will be the the year of Nito 2.0, we’ll have to see.

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Ok fair enough. However I would suggest, if you do a Nito 2.0, you leave legacy Nito as an option as well. The Node Monitor is constantly not working (like right now) which causes other issues. Its actually refreshing to have a “non node monitor” dependent option as well. appreciate Nito Bot a lot!

Happy New Year!

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The dev team is working on releasing a self-hosted node monitor option that node operators can run via docker compose. This should be released within the next 1 - 2 months.


Hey @Jared, this is pretty exciting news. I presume it will be discussed in the upcoming 2024 roadmap.

Jared, speaking of the Incognito Roadmap, when you next speak to the core team, can you find out whether the App and/or Dev teams are planning to host a YouTube Live video Stream to walk through the roadmap?

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Any updates on the release of the self-hosted node monitor option?

I will follow up with the dev team. Last update was that a docker-compose file was being put together.