Litecoin privacy update

Hey Communtiy,

I just want to share an interesting news update for the privacy community. Litecoin privacy update with mimblewimble is coming. :slight_smile:

Here a link to read more:


I’d like to reignite a discussion around this topic that @Nubex brought up over a year ago.

To Incognito Core Dev Team
Now that Litecoin $LTC has enabled it’s privacy solution called MWEB, for more info:

Is it on the Incognito Roadmap to support the new privacy option when withdrawing from the Incognito app?

Hey @Jared, could you please bring this up at your next meeting with the core dev team as I’m sure many of the community would like to know the answer.

BTW, there could be amazing Growth opportunities here bring into the incognito ecosystem many Litecoiners who can provide large amount of liquidity and can utilise the swap features and provide features with the privacy of LTC’s MWEB.