Keep pNode PRV rewards in Power vs. Provide?

Hello everyone,

I was just wondering if it was more beneficial to keep my pNode PRV token rewards in the Power or Provide areas? And what would the difference be between them?

To my mind it might be better to move the PRV rewards to Provide as to earn a compounding interest %. Is this correct?

Thank you fam :smile:

I’d suggest the Provide over Power since in Provide you’ll be earning on what your pNode has earned versus nothing and waiting to be selected again.

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Yes. If you leave your rewards in the power tab you make no interest on them. If you withdraw your rewards and place them into provide tab then you will get 28% APY.

I love Provide because pNode setup very hard work for me.

I think after 1 year, power’s better but now provide APY better than power


Cool thank you folks! Is the reason why it’s better to Power them later because you don’t get 100% full PRV rewards unless you have like 1400 PRV tokens or something like that?

There is a slight chance you guys are talking about different things.

“keeping rewards in Power” can mean:

  • I am running a pNode with funded stake, should I keep it like that or move to using my own PRV to stake as soon as possible
  • I am running a Node, what do I do with my earnings, leave them on the Node, or withdraw them and move them to the Provide section
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