(Outdated post) Network Explorer

One more idea for analytics. Block reduction countdown, possible to the “Privacy Coin” Section: Example: https://coinmarketcap.com/halving/bitcoin/


@abduraman any idea who it might be? :thinking:

As I know, it’s not me :joy: As @inccry knows, I use full.incognito.best (until my fullnode is fully working) for websocket subscription methods (not contains any history). Furthermore, he means that his own Incscan API which I do not use, not Incognito RPC/Websocket which I use.

In case it helps, let me write what I remember. Someone had asked how he/she could retrieve the price information and Inccry had responded with his API endpoint. That’s all I remember.

Btw, why did you tag me, @andrey? Really wonder.

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@andrey @abduraman thanks, inspectors :joy:

I tag you coz there were gossips around you and one more person) So I decided to double check with you first :grin: :joy:

As you will see also here (Rate limit for api.incognito.org/ptoken/list), before such things, I always ask. If I do such things unintentionally, I would write here too. I have enough experience in the field of computer engineering to be able to know that the resources are not infinite :slight_smile: That’s why I’m trying to install my fullnode.


Version 1.7.6 released:



:mega: 1.7.7 version released :mega:

This is a technical release.

New feature:

  • New specific endpoints for Coingecko pDEX integration

New API endpoints are:


Have these been sent to CoinGecko yet? or are they already currently using them?
I would love to see the Incognito DEX on CoinGecko listed as an exchange for PRV and many other coins.


The Incognito Team will send infos to CoinGecko, it’s not yet used.


Hey @inccry number of active validators in the network frozen on the advanced dashboard )

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Hey Andrey,

This number seems ok :thinking: If you have different numbers, please share them!

But the network validators chart was not ok, I just fixed it.

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:mega: 1.7.8 version released :mega:

This is a technical release.

New feature:

New API endpoints are:

What’s next?

The next feature will be “staking” focused.

I indexed the committee state at every block, so I should be able to allow every validator to get the full staking history of their nodes.

It’s a work in progress, stay tuned :wink:


I think we are a little bit same-minded. Probably, we are on the same or similar work :slight_smile:

Hey @inccry, I think you and the team measure #stakers differently since #stakers in the explorer is 2296 but gettotalstaker RPC returns 2305.

The required endpoint to do that has been released few weeks ago, that’s why I started this work :wink:

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I don’t count beacon stakers, that’s why you see a different number.

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Since I couldn’t find it after a long research, I modified the code of the fullnode :joy: That’s why I had asked this: BeaconBestState by beacon height.

Btw, what’s the method name? Let me check.

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