How to setup your own node in a blink of an eye (Now support multi-nodes per host)

Everything needed to get a node set up and running is in the first post of this guide. You can ignore everything else.


You need nothing else other than this guide. I use this method myself to set up my NUC as a node.



Tried it in two servers already, but the container keeps restarting in loop after a few seconds leaving this at error.log:

    2022/09/15 19:46:30 Using network param file for mainnet
panic: -1006: Load key error
 invalid format: version and/or checksum bytes missing
Load key error

goroutine 1 [running]:*Engine).loadKeysFromMiningKey(0xc0021f78f0)
        /Users/autonomous/projects/incognito-chain/consensus_v2/engine.go:273 +0x5c5*Engine).Start(0xc0021f78f0)
        /Users/autonomous/projects/incognito-chain/consensus_v2/engine.go:247 +0xef
main.Server.Start({0x0, 0x0, {0xc00387aa10, 0xb}, 0x1, 0xc00067e000, 0xc0000d82c0, 0xc003823f20, 0xc0033fe2d0, 0xc001a19ad0, ...})
        /Users/autonomous/projects/incognito-chain/server.go:760 +0x5c5
        /Users/autonomous/projects/incognito-chain/incognito.go:229 +0x1018
        /Users/autonomous/projects/incognito-chain/incognito.go:288 +0x2b6

Any ideas on how to solve this or what could I be doing wrong?

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Also getting this issue on some of the nodes on the same server after running the patch, latest script etc.

Please use the latest blink script and then the patch will no longer be needed.

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From your log above, it’s most likely that the validator key’s format is wrong. Please make sure that your keys are all correct, check the /home/incognito/validator_keys.
After correcting the file, remove the docker container, then start the updater again.

docker container rm inc_mainnet_0
sudo systemclt start IncognitoUpdater.service

If the problem still happens, please send the output of the following command, your /home/incognito/validator_keys and log file to @Support (don’t post them here). I will take a look

journalctl --since "2 week ago" | grep IncN

Hi, sorry been out for the weekend.
That file contains only:


OK, absolutely my bad! I let it go with default values and thought it would somehow create them… It’s up now. Deeply sorry.


Good morning all. I am using this script, latest version, to run multiple nodes. Since yesterday the monitor tells me I am not running the latest tag anymore, currently I am on:
Screenshot 2022-09-22 at 10.44.57

However the nodes won’t update themselves through the IncUpdater service for some reason. When I run it manually the script returns:

Getting Incognito docker tags
Current tag |20220921_1| - Latest tag |20220921_1|

Not sure why I am told there is a newer code version available?

Nevertheless I tried to manually update only one (!) of my nodes as a test as some of my nodes are currently earning and I don’t want to stop those. So I stopped and removed one container but can’t get it started again. When I run “” It will tell me the above, so no newer tag found, and the script will stop. Is it only possible to restart all nodes? If so that’s far from ideal imho for people running more than one node on a machine. How would I manually only restart that one docker image?

Looking forward to a possible solution,

Thanks scooter

There’s a problem with the node monitor, you don’t have to worry about it.
Your node is up to date already.


Ok cool - thanks! However, how do I restart the one docker image I killed? Would the only way be to stop/rm all of my containers and then restart them all? Or is there a way to only restart one? It happens like this node is the last entry in my “validator_keys” file and I expected the script to check if all nodes are running and restart the ones that are not. Any other simple way to get the one to restart?

If you manually stopped and removed the container then you’ll need to manually rebuild it.

Reference the code in and run with the variables for the node that was stopped and removed.


Or simply stop and remove all containers and run the script again… all working again now!

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Hey @Rocky,
I LOVE this script - THANK YOU. I recently had to rebuild my vNodes due to some weird thing causing my nodes to restart every 18-24 hours. Anyways, by using your script it was super easy and I’m back up and running with the latest version update.

Question: Is there a way in your script to configure the “Reward Account” addresses for each node during the vNode deployment process?

The reason I ask is the default is for received rewards from being in the committee are sent to individual Funding Account wallets. For those of us running multiple nodes, it would be great if there was a way we could specify a different wallet address for each node, that way we could consolidate the earnings to 1 or 2 different wallets.

If this feature is not available in your script would you consider (if possible) adding something like this similar to the way we specify our multiple validators:
E.g. validator_key_1,validator_key_2,validator_key_3

by having a similar setting for reward payment addresses for each validator:
E.g. rewardAddress_1,rewardAddress_2,rewardAddress_3

Your thoughts on this?

This script only makes the docker containers and does not have anything to do with staking. The staking TX takes place when you click the blue Stake button in the app under the power screen.

The best way to do this would be to add text fields to the app that allow the user to input an address for the rewards prior to the stake button being clicked.


Hey @Jared, thanks for the excellent explanation on where would be the best place to implement such a customisation.

Your idea above makes very good sense. :100: I support this idea.


Hi guys,

Please make sure you check out this topic: Recent Node Updates (Docker Hub API v2)

All - wondering if the latest update covers the needed updates for running a fullnode? Looks like the blink script doesn’t include an option to run a fullnode? I’ve used the previous script but that appears to be crashing after the most recent update.

For this, you will have to edit the, change the “FULLNODE” config in the script before running it.

Or if you already run the blink script, then you can just update the “fullnode=1” config in the file /home/incognito/ Then remove the docker container and start the updater service again (sudo systemctl start IncognitoUpdater.service) for the change to take effect.

Don’t worry about removing the container, the node’s data won’t be removed. Once the updater setup a new container, the old data will be used, and your full node will resume operation from where it was before.

Is there a flag for uninstalling?

3. To uninstall, run:
#		    sudo ./{this script} -u
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