Full-nodes' Cache - A Faster Way to Retrieve Users' Output Coins

in docker run command, add the following env argument:

-e NUM_INDEXER_WORKERS=100 -e INDEXER_ACCESS_TOKEN=cc3d46946bbf99c8213dd7f6c640ed6433bdc056a5b68e7e80f5525311b0ca11 -e RELAY_SHARD=all

start your container, then exec to your container and update content of run_incognito.sh

docker exec -it inc_mainnet bash
sed -i s"/=0/=100/" run_incognito.sh
cat run_incognito.sh | grep worker # double check the value of --numindexerworkers
## Ctrl + D to exit the container

then restart your container
docker restart inc_mainnet

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