[FINISHED] Trade paused in preparation for pUniswap and pKyber (03:00 - 11:00 UTC, Oct 29th)

Latest update: Trade resumed. Thank you for your patience!

Hello everyone,

First of all, some big news: pKyber and pUniswap are incoming! Alongside this, a new feature will be deployed that automatically recommends the best trading option available for any given pair - taking into account liquidity, exchange rates, and applicable fees.

In preparation, we will pause the Trade feature in the app from 03:00 - 11:00 UTC, Oct 29th.

You will of course still be able to trade via RPC. However, we highly recommend not doing any API calls during this period to avoid any potential issues that may arise.

We will send a push notification to inform you when this begins, and another to let you know when it is complete. We will also update this post on start and completion.

Thanks for your patience!


Hi everyone,

Trade just resumes. Let’s update the app now :fire:

4 posts were split to a new topic: Trading fees and best trades