[Finished] Liquidity rewards program v2

Hi guys! Happy to share with you our latest updates :flags:

  1. Pool was just released :rocket:

  2. Feel free to start the migration of your funds from LP to Pool V2.

  3. All users who provide liquidity during this week will get a reward as usual on Monday.

As always ideas and feedback on how to make our products better is more than Wellcome!



Hi @andrey. It looks like with the new Pool, each wallet is separateβ€”is this intended to be indefinite, so one can keep funds segregated if necessary to reflect, for example, different investment sources/goals?

Will be fixed shortly. cc @peter @Ducky

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@andrey USDT/C are not listed, did that change?

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heya @doc - USDT and USDC will be along shortly - probably some time next week.


hey @jtmerchant - pool uses the same logic as pDEX (which should reduce the number of essential accounts/keychains), so people can more easily make choices – to do everything from one account, or keep stuff segregated as you said.


Hey guys! Today will be the last reward distribution for LP program V2.

If you would like to keep participate in providing liquidity, please go to Pool.