(Supporting) Will the code of the monitor ever be open source?

What are CandidateShardWaitingForNextRandom and CandidateShardWaitingForCurrentRandom?

I’ve tried that with every reward receiver address in RewardReceiver, all 4825, but none worked with the getrewardamount RPC. Some give Serialized key is invalid, most give Serialized key type is invalid. What do I need to do to serialize the key?

Two data structure is for candidates who are waiting to be assigned to a shard. CandidateShardWaitingForNextRandom is used for queuing new staking when the random number generator is being processed for the current epoch.

About the getrewardamount, we need your body payload to debug the problem.

curl --request POST \
  --url https://mainnet.incognito.org/fullnode \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
  "id": 1,
  "jsonrpc": "1.0",
  "method": "getrewardamount",
  "params": ["1KuEkocB5f1KqWZwWJt6h4EWP8M2uZUHyQsR1GsSy7kU8SsRKGVtiDmqRSquPvctmx76vWw9C6EMLQkzGsFuNgJEePywJicjAFjKwZNipRA6MA686eaP6gCJucKZJ5WSVu4jrXXa2yA6gEX2UgYZKeszwU3S7qoGtRsUEXQiKUXtmF1kGp6Cx"]

The key is present in the result from getbeaconbeststatedetail.

in the mean time, try get around this by get StakingTx (query key: PublicKey)

then get the RewardReceiverPaymentAddress in Metadata of transaction detail: