Sunsetting Incognito

ok its all good now. thank you for the reassurance. i only had to wait a while. was about to clear cache but did one more refresh and voila! cheers!

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I can only send not receive from my wallets now :man_shrugging:t2:

One the one hand, this is very sad to hear - it’s been a great protocol for personal privacy.

On the other hand, there were a lot of bugs with balances not showing etc and things always seemed a bit half baked. The fact you can only get full access via a mobile app as one example. Mobile apps aren’t super privacy focused which goes against the core ethos here. So it’s not that much of a surprise it’s being shut down.

It’s also sad to see we live in times where anything privacy related is automatically assumed to be shady business. The attack on privacy is real and it’s unfortunately the reality we live in. Another one bites the dust.

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Just for others to know - I had issues unshielding / withdrawing. I would unshield a small amount, then the entire balance went to zero. On another wallet the entire wallet balance went to zero. It stayed this way for over an hour, which was quite worrysome. Tried all sorts to refresh, clear cache, but nothing worked.

Then by magic, after more than an hour everything showed up again and I could withdraw / unshield no problems.

So if you have this issue you might just need to wait.

hi. what is the situation with provided/staked BTC? …how long does it take to withdraw? thanks

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FWIW… Some others I have come across aside from Scrt and Oxen:

Railgun (obviously)
Firn Protocol - ZK knowledge proofs
Basic swap dex - Swap to monero, no GUI
Atomic swaps - swap to monero
Iluminex - not really sure
Darkfi - not really sure, think you need to run code on your own computer and is similar to atomic swaps

  • Disclaimer, I have used none of these, and this is not an endorsement for any of them other than I have come across them and they could be of interest.

7 days

Do you know if any offer a provide feature with rewards for various cryptos like incognito did?

Nope, not really. Don’t know much about these protocols other than they have some kind of privacy focused feature.

In saying that… Maybe illuminex? Provide liquidity for fees?

Is there another wallet that we can send our PRV to, or is all the PRV just going to disappear?

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Conceal offers an earn type feature, directly inside the wallet. The wallet calls it “Banking”. The % is not large & its def NOT an LP. Explore their website yourself…

Conceal users are on telegram, Discord & newer community on Keet (p2p privacy messenger). All these details should be on their website.
( )

Conceal IS avail on BSC/Pancake, but also on non-kyc CEX which I didn’t know existed prev: &

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You can unshield your PRV to ethereum or bsc chain addresses. However, there are no liquidity pools or exchanges, so it would be for nostalgia purposes.

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Tradeogre has ridiculous fees to withdraw, not worth using in my opinion.

Just be patient folks, the network is slammed with everyone rushing to get assets off chain.

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Hi @acidburn, if you (like many of us here) believed in what Incognito stated in there post at the very top :point_up:
“Privacy is a Fundamental Human Right” , and
you value Financial Privacy for future generations to come, and
you’re looking to opt-out of a world run by banksters CBDCs…

then you should DYOR into a project that aims to be sound digital money called - Epic Cash.

Epic Cash is dubbed “Bitcoin’s Twin” with Privacy at its core.

Here’s what makes Epic unique and special…

:white_check_mark: Fixed Supply (21 Million - exactly how Satoshi wanted).
In fact the Epic Cash Whitepaper aligns with Satoshi’s Whitepaper.

:white_check_mark: Always-On Privacy using Mimblewimble (a more advanced technology than what is used in Monero, Zcash, Zano and Firo)

:white_check_mark: No ICO. No VC. No Corporate Backer. No Gov grants or funding.
This project is by the people, for the people. Everyone working on Epic Cash is a community volunteer.

:white_check_mark: Unconfiscatable & Censorship resistant
Unlike Bitcoin, Ethereum and the thousands for other Blockchains, Epic Cash is not a transparent blockchain. NO Transaction Information and NO Wallet Addresses are stored on-chain.
If the blockchain was ever to be 51% attacked, no useful data will be exposed to the hackers E.g. they won’t see any “whale” wallet addresses that they can target to drain.

:white_check_mark: Unlike many PoW coins like Bitcoin & Monero, Epic Cash is protected not by a single algo but 3 x Proof-Of-Work algorithms.
Epic Cash uses a unique Polyphasic Proof-of-Work algorithm design for anyone to participate in mining. It is the MOST inclusive mining protocol.
Epic Cash can be mined using

  • CPUs (via RandomX algo),
  • GPUs (Progpow algo) and
  • ASICs (via Cuckatoo algo).

For an attack to occur the hacker would need to 51% attack 3 algos simultaneously.

:white_check_mark: Quantum Computing resistance is available (but not yet implement).
Because of the superb foresightful of the Epic’s Devs, the Polyphasic POW (mentioned above) allows for additional algorithms to be added at anytime.
The Devs are already testing the addition of a Quantum Computing resistant algo called Crystals-Dilithium.

:white_check_mark: Scalable - Unlike Monero, the entire blockchain (ALL transaction since going mainnet in 2019) fits on a smartphone.
The full chain is currently under 5GB and it will self-optimised overtime to remain around this size due to a technology called Cut-through (part of the Mimblewimble code base).

If you value Privacy then, here’s an Epic Cash Getting Started guide…

  1. Download a mobile wallet
  1. Visit Epic Cash Faucet to claim some free $Epic -

  2. Buy more $Epic from a Non-KYC exchange called Vite DEX -

  3. Join our Telegram Group and meet other like-minded Privacy focussed people from all out the world and see how you can advance the project as we are at war with the the elites, banksters and governments that want to strip us and our children’s children right to privacy.

Please DYOR on website and join the Telegram Group

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FYI: A collection of privacy oriented projects

Please send 1 PRV so I can withdraw my funds:


My assets are in staking. How do I withdraw?

This is the current liquidity. I created a bot that will send it.

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