Start a vNode while waiting for pNode?

Hello guys, I cant afford to stake a vNode. Would it be possible while waiting for a pNode to do have a staked vNode? I wanted to confirm that I could establish a vNode and I think I was successful. I just cant swing the PRV. But can get together the fee for a Node just have to wait for it. Please suggest/advise. Thank you!! Matt

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If you can’t afford the stake to run a vNode, there is no way to run a vNode yourself.

There is jServers, which runs multiple nodes and works like a node pool. Or earn yourself some reward by adding coins you may to the Provide feature in the app.


Hey @Jamie, jservers stopped node pools back in September. Only option right now if you dont have the full 1750 for a vnode is to put your prv in provide.

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Read my post and be careful if you order a pNode. There are unanswered questions about what it’s actually doing.

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Ah okay, I saw people mention they used it, so I thought it was still running, just not taking new users or something. Thanks for that info.

No need to spread fud while waiting for dev details. There is more than enough time for that when the things you mention turn out to be real problems.


They are still taking on new users, but only if you want to run your own vnodes. They will set them up and monitor for you. You are the only one with access to the node funds though

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