(Solved) My pNode was slashed, I need help


My pNode was on the building mode last night but this morning it is slashed and waiting to be staked.

How can I resolve this? Any help would be appreciated.

Here is the validator’s public key:


Thank you in advance

For some reason your vote count dropped to 40. Any vote count below 50 means your node will be slashed. If at all possible I would recommend you connect your pNode to directly to your router via an ethernet cable, if it is not already.

Please send a PM to the @Support account with your pNode QR code and Validatory Key and I will add it to the queue to be restaked.

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I have also noticed that my node 17937 has been slashed as well and would like to get my pnode 17937 restaked. I have sent a message to support with my validators key… Thank you