Showing BTC/ETH etc. equivalent of PRV unshielding fee

Continuing the discussion from [Complete] The whole system paused for scheduled maintenance (July 31, 13:00 to August 1, 13:00 Eastern Time):

Hey @Support,

I want to open another topic for this. I think it is a simple feature since the old version has this. OK, all fees are PRV. Understood. However, could you “show” (not spend) BTC/ETH/USDT etc. equivalent of PRV fee at Unshielding screen?



Sorry for the later reply, it’s not too hard to have this feature, but can you please elaborate a bit on why you need it?

Each time I want to unshield my assets, I check whether the fee is reasonable according to the current outer network’s fee trend. If not, I postpone my unshielding. Currently, I have to do a rough calculation ( last PRV price in my mind :slight_smile: ) or check PRV price to find out the native gas fee.

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