[SOLVED] Sent DAI to wallet and it’s not showing


I sent DAI to my incognito wallet but still haven’t received anything and says that is already expired and my balance is 0.

But in the explorer it shows the transaction was completed

Can you help me please

Regards !


I sent DAI to my incognito wallet, it’s already confirmed but it’s shows 0 balance and the address has already expire

I have the id and hash.

Can you help me

Hi, could you text me these things in a private message?
1/ Transaction hash (txid) of that transfer
2/ A screenshot of your DAI deposit on the Incognito wallet like this

To whom it may concern: Make sure you follow the correct pDAI token (green tick mark) on the app with the following contract ID: 0x6B17…5271d0F

Image from iOS (30)

Image from iOS (31)

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