[Rollbacked] Accidentally update Incognito app.


Are you implying the rollout happened already? Because I still have no funds in my app.

No, it was just a joke :slight_smile:

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So I’ll get my coins I’m missing back in a few days or am I screwed?

You can follow the instructions to roll back to the older version or wait until the new one is released. Your coins are still in your wallet, however, the new app does not see them yet.

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Thanks for quick response. I guess I’ll give it a few days and wait. If it’s going to be weeks then I’ll go the old version. Did they give a date?

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Can you do a step by step to restore the old version please. Go to this link and test flight this or that doesn’t cut it. You all screwed up royally with iOS on this shit. iOS users have absolutely no access to anything because you all released the upgrade without proper deployment first. And this wallet sucks now. I’m done with you all after this, and I’m sure many are in the same boat. This is the worse upgrade in the history of upgrades.


Apple provides all of the instructions you would need at the link we provided:

Step-by-step :slight_smile:
1 - Backup all your accounts in the accidentally upgraded app. No need to uninstall that app :exclamation:
2- Install TestFlight (https://apps.apple.com/us/app/testflight/id899247664) app and complete some basic steps in it.
3- Tap/click this link: https://testflight.apple.com/join/R7PIiprH.
4- After TestFlight is opened, complete some basic confirmation steps to install “Staging Incognito” app.
4- The new “test” app will be installed. Find “Staging Incognito” in TestFlight app or your phone pages and open it.
4- Restore all your accounts into this new app. That’s all.

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I need a test flight invitation.

Hello @Rmills,

An invite email is no longer required. Instead use this link:

Wow, This screwed me. I have Master Key Phrase. Masterless private Keys and still can not get me assets back.

Using the app store on the phone and tapping update there seems the easiest way.

Thanks for fixing this. I updated and everything appears back to normal now. I didn’t do testflight or anything—I just waited for a new appstore release.


Hey Incognito users, an official rollback version (4.9.0) is published on the app store, please go to the app store and install the version to get your Incognito app back to work. Thank you!