Provide Yields questions again (:

So when I earn compound interest on a provide deposit (for example dai @13% APY) do I get 13% on the total dollar value of the provision + earnings or, as earnings are in prv do I get the 28% on prv? (If the former I guess it would make sense to withdraw and deposit the prv earnings as provisions…).

Also where are those coins stored? I’d love to see some information on this as I’m sure the safety and control of the funds are major issues which need high transparency…

Thanks everyone!
Great work!

Someone asked something similar in this post and got this response:

I hope it helps .


There is no need to create multiple topics on the same subject. The search feature can help you find what you are looking for too.

No, you don’t get rewarded over the dollar value, and no you don’t get 28% unless you provided PRV.

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