(replied) NEED HELP - BNB stucked in shielding wallet

Hello, i sent as i always did bnb to my correct bsc shielding address, i followed the tx and bnb reached with success my bnb (bsc) shielding address but they didn’t reach my incognito wallet.
Bnb are not in my incognito wallet and the tx is not showed in history at all and my bnb are stucked in the bsc shielding address linked to my incognito wallet.
Sent them over 6 hours ago i just looked and they’re still stucked on the bsc shielding wallet.
Help me please.

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Contact @Support

Hello @maki,

As @Silvercap718 mentioned, please send a message to the @Support account with details of your issues and screenshots if you can provide them.