Incognito chain’s code upgrade (tag: 20220112_1)

Hi Incognito validators,

We’ve just released a protocol code update for:

  • Lemma 2 (a consensus’ finality rule). For more details, please have a look at the topic’s lemma 2 section.
  • Improvements in choosing UTXOs for Bitcoin bridge’s unshielding process.
  • Improvements in choosing coins into a ring for privacy transactions.

This is expected to be enabled about Jan 17, 1:20PM ET and is a mandatory update , the latest code is published in 2 forms:

If you run pNodes or set up your vNodes by following our instructions , they should pull the latest docker image automatically. In case you encounter any issues with the code update, feel free to contact @support for assistance.



Thanks for the notice in advance, @duc!

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