How to use WIC - Desktop wallet for Incognito

Welcome to Incognito Desktop Wallet - WIC

Hello, Incognito’s community!

We are building WIC, a desktop wallet for Incognito. You can find our original post here.

Yesterday, we released the first version of WIC. We are very appreciative if you can try and give us your feedback as well as comment on the features you want to have in the next version.

How to install WIC

Here is the guide to run IncWallet on your PC.

Step 1: Install docker

Step 2: Create file

#!/bin/sh bash

ps aux | grep '[r]' | awk '{ print $2}' | grep -v "^$$\$" | xargs kill -9
docker rm -f incwallet
docker network create --driver bridge incwallet_net || true
docker pull isyyyy/incwallet
docker run -ti --restart=always --net incwallet_net --name incwallet -d -p 9000:9000 isyyyy/incwallet
docker run --net incwallet_net --name mongo -d -p 27018:27017 mongo
shopt -s expand_aliases
alias wic='docker exec -it incwallet wic'

Step 3: Try with wic command in your terminal. If you cannot see the welcome message, try with this command
alias wic='docker exec -it incwallet wic'.

Step 4: Welcome to WIC

Demo wallet on testnet

Before becoming a fan of wic, you can try with the prepared wallet with Incognito Testnet.

  • Account 1:
    Private key: 112t8rnbCjhDpBQjjNJQ2bABVAbkZC2GaFvbTw7kCaN7RyqLC9Pwh7v7bNoLh5PqDcj2SYDk1HNqoKDwcFdeDRhdcB2mjGuRdnykkqka5HV1
    Payment add: 12S4CvTpc5wHbNXyvdzPktYMGCZcj3pSTCUS73DCShRz3kTmsjorQHdhjmhTMMqLfthMMFTpwVDBbY7kyHYeJcB3wMiK56mum1TaBkU
  • Account 2:
    Private key: 112t8rnZvxYbAAvUmDT9PM6pivcFnexU5P8Fr83AzaAGmpLqRUJMWn87qpQDRfkguxCpiQRxWrneikQUP4j1oYXYV8h2zagME9PMuWamJKD3
    Payment add: 12RwWpgC1K9czfuwJjUhF8k4CxMaQVYmHiTfBLc6E8HnmERyn1fKMtyfrSNrk7A8hHgGU69T7UXy8JkE1bYXwpADGtgife9hSkTPDJw

Both accounts also are recovered using wallet import command with the recover seed words

    seed words: "day clarify timber glue stable color thunder blossom author crane moon prepare"
Note: If you want to remove your wallet, please remove docker container: mongo
    docker rm -f mongo

However, remember backup the (seed words, password) or private key.

How to use WIC

Start with wic you will see

    __      __       .__                                  __            __      __.__        
     /  \    /  \ ____ |  |   ____  ____   _____   ____   _/  |_  ____   /  \    /  \__| ____  
     \   \/\/   // __ \|  | _/ ___\/  _ \ /     \_/ __ \  \   __\/  _ \  \   \/\/   /  |/ ___\ 
      \        /\  ___/|  |_\  \__(  <_> )  Y Y  \  ___/   |  | (  <_> )  \        /|  \  \___ 
       \__/\  /  \___  >____/\___  >____/|__|_|  /\___  >  |__|  \____/    \__/\  / |__|\___  >
            \/       \/          \/            \/     \/                        \/          \/
       wic [command]
     Available Commands:
         account     account commands for add, import, switch, and ls
         balance     show current balance
         help        Help about any command
         tx          tx commands for history, send, and receive
         version     current version
         wallet      wallet commands for import and create

       -h, --help   help for wic
     Use "wic [command] --help" for more information about a command.

List of commands

wallet command

     wic wallet [command]
   Available Commands:
     create      create a new wallet
     import      import wallet by seed phrase
     -h, --help   help for wallet

Create a new wallet: wic wallet create -s 256 -n mainnet

  • Create a new wallet with 256 bits security level (24 seed words) on mainnet. Note that you can create a wallet on testnet with -n testnet.
  • Remember to set up a password to protect your wallet in the system.

Import a wallet from seed words: wic import -n mainnet -m "24 seed words"


  • Remember to back up your seed words and password to recover the wallet in case you delete or remove wic
  • Multiple wallets are not supported in this version. That means you only can create a mainnet or testnet wallet.

account command

After create or import a wallet. You can add or import accounts into the wallet.

  wic account [command]

Available Commands:
  add         add new account
  export      export private key & info
  import      import account by private key
  info        show wallet info
  ls          show all imported/added accounts
  switch      switch between accounts by name

  -h, --help   help for account
  • Add account belonging wallet: wic account add -n account_name

  • Import account from another wallet (e.g., web, mobile wallets): wic account import -n account_name -k private_key

  • Switch account by name: wic account switch -n account_name

  • List add accounts: wic account ls

  • View account info: wic account info

  • Export private key: wic account export


  • For all accounts generated by add command will be fully recovered if you know the seed words and password. That means you do not need to back up the private key from export command.
  • Imported accounts do not belong to the wallet, remember to back up private keys for them.

tx command

     wic tx [command]
   Available Commands:
     history     Show send/receive transactions history
     receive     generate QR code to receive PRV or pToken
     send        create PRV/pToken transaction
     -h, --help   help for tx


  • Show transaction history: wic tx history
  • Create and send PRV: wic tx send -r receiver_address -a amount
  • Create and send pToken: wic tx send -r receiver_address -a amount -t token_id


  • Using flag -t token_id to filter by token ID in history command.
  • The amount is in nano. For example -a 1000000 that means send 0.001 PRV.
  • You can change the transaction fee (default 5) using flag -f.

balance command

  wic balance [flags]
  wic balance [command]

Available Commands:
  utxo        show current unspent coins

  -h, --help           help for balance
  -t, --token string   Add your token


  • Show balance: wic balance
  • Show balance with utxo: wic balance utxo


  • Using flag -t token_id to filter by token ID in balance command.
  • The balance is in nano. For example, -a 1000000 that means you have 0.001 PRV.