Had to...

Hey guys I want to let you all know that even tho it’s been a long time I posted anything on here and no one knows who I am. I will say I missed you all… - because of the RONA - I had some hardships and can’t really do anything about it. I had to sell all my assets, and honestly I am proud to say that this project worked. Both of my boxes are paid out. And made a bit extra but I had to sell to pay my bills and you know that is the way has to be for now! - time to re start a new saving account on here and see how that new journey takes me. - team incognito thank you for all that you do!

  • DEAN C.

Welcome back @Serval_Inc ! We all hope to have better years than the past ones! I don’ t know where you live but in Europe it is still very bad the situation !

Happy to have you onboard again :slight_smile:


Thank you so your support bro! I live in USA seattle wa. Yeah issue is different for everyone. Kinda suck this comes and get you when you lease expect it.

Unfortunatly yes!

Welcome back!
Sending you best wishes .

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