Feature request: ability to adjust BTC tx fee when unshielding

I request we add the ability to adjust the miner fee for btc shield out transactions. The way it is currently setup is not feasible unless the devs significantly increase miner fees all the time…the current system is too stingy with the fees and as a result it can take 24 to 48 hours to receive the btc on an external wall which is becoming very frequent lately.

Yes the network is congested but other services like coinbase pay the proper miner fee to have transactions sent out in 2 blocks, therefore we should have the same option.

We can incorporate a slider bar like what is in samouri wallet (will include pic) or the team can just adjust the miner fee calculation to be more aggressive and pay more fees per byte. If we implement such a system it will cut down on support tickets and also make user experience better. The current system used in eth , for example, calculates the shield out fee in gas with extreme precision, so there is no reason we can’t model the btc gateway to be the same.

Please community members add comments here so the team knows you support such a feature.



It is already in the road map. Should come in Q1 or so


It would be really useful. +1

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If so fees paid to miners should increase to a minimum of 125 sats per byte until a feature is implemented to control it.

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No no no no no—Please do not raise the fees arbitrarily. I regularly send btc at 5/sats and it gets confirmed within 24 hours. Custom fees is what we need so thank you for putting it on the roadmap. :slight_smile:

BTC also can do a “child pays parent” transaction if you’re in a big hurry. It was reported that the unshielding lately is not due to the BTC chain but rather some other issue with the incognito transactions.

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I’ve tried doing that but it doesn’t work with legacy addresses I guess.


If we allow custom fee’s, we have to make sure we have minimums. We don’t want peoples transactions failing because they think the standard fee is the same as the Incognito fee. For example ETH withdraw fees are higher then a normal Ethereum transaction because of all the smartcontract movement.


Completely agree. Accidentally making a miner fee too low is super problematic and would take up massive cs time