Buying Gift Cards - Bitrefill

When I want to buy a gift card on bitrefill can I send the amount directly via unshielding from my incognito wallet?

I’m not sure because in the wallet is says “Please withraw to a wallet address, not a smart contract address.” How can I see or find out if the address which bitrefill or other online merchants showing me are normal addresses and not smart contract addresses?


Did you check with this post?

Thanks for the link. I checked it and it works. But timeframe is only 15 minutes, I was lucky. No idea what would happen, if unshielding takes longer, what unfortunately happens often. But now it worked. Except a bug with the QR code, it does not scan the address correctly, so I had to copy it manually.

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Error in the QR code display, or error in the app reading the QR code? If the latter, do you have the QR code so we can check?

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Error in the app reading the QR code. I guess it happens because the QR code seems to transfer information about the amount you have to pay as well.

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Yes, you are correct.
Their QR code converts to, for example: